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Conversational Threads

Great New Knitting Book!!!

rodezzy | Posted in Knitting and Crochet on

Purchased this book today at Joann fabrics with my 40% off coupon.  It has precise directions on how to measure for a perfect fit for knitted sweaters.  I believe I will get it done with this book.  I haven’t read it yet, just skimmed through at the store.  I’ve been waiting for my coupons to purchase it, so now I should have no excuse for not knitting a sweater.  giggle.  (Excuse #1:  So much to do, so little time. he he)  At least when I’m ready (need yarn) I will have all the tools I need.  Going to Sheep’s Clothing in Valperaso, IL on April 19, should pick up some yarn then.  I will have read the book and done some calculations by then. yipee!

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Rodezzy, Fiber Artist


  1. katina | | #1

    A great choice, Rodezzy - I have it too. It's the perfect book for a creative and adventurous soul like yourself. Hurry up and design so we can get to see pictures of the sweater in progress.



    1. rodezzy | | #2

      ok, ok, but I must put some quilt making ahead of the sweater, I am also looking for the yarn, and then I will be ready to start it. The quilt show is this year.  I have at least three quilts to finish.  Oh, I can put Betty Boop in the show, the black and white bed quilt and I'll need a small Silent Auction Quilt for the guild.

      1. katina | | #3

        Busy! Busy!

  2. RhettaRic | | #4

    Rodezzy, enjoy and can't wait to see what you decide to make! What kind of yarn? This is one book I don't have. But I'm on a yarn/book/sewing supply/pattern diet these days. Must use what I have!

    1. rodezzy | | #5

      I am on a diet in a way, but I had to have this book, I believe it will get me through my first sweater.  Don't have any yarn for a sweater that I love yet.  I am going to Sheeps Clothing on April 19, with some fellow crafters/knitters.  Will be looking for yarn.  But after seeing my Knitty Gritty show this past weekend, I might use some of the alternative yarns they talked about...bamboo, soy, corn, wood w/milk protiens.  I can't wear wool, it itches my skin.  I can wear it in small amounts in outer wear, but don't have not one wool sweater.  So, I will be looking into alternative yarns.  This is a biggy for my knitting career, so I want it to fit and be a comfortable yarn to wear.  I love sweaters and have very few.  And most good sweaters are made of or with wool.  So I don't buy them.

      Edited 3/17/2008 11:12 am ET by rodezzy

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