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Conversational Threads

Greetings from a Gatherings Newbie

GranAtHome | Posted in General Discussion on

Hello, I’m GranAtHome and new to this forum.  I’ve been a Threads suscriber for several years now, as well as some other sewing magazines.  My sweet husband of 32 years and I live in Texas where it’s firecracker hot!  We have two daughters and five grandchildren, so you probably can guess who I sew for most.

I hope to learn a lot from all of you.  I’m not a beginning seamstress, but still have so much I need to learn.


GranAtHome  (GAH, perhaps, for short?)



  1. SherryG | | #1


    I too like to sew and am from Texas.  It isn't as bad in San Antonio as it is in Houston, but is still quite hot.  As you read through the various postings, you will see that there is a wealth of information to be found.  I thought I was a good sewer until scanning through the questions, answers and pictures that have been posted.  I'm not bad, but I now know that I ain't as good as I thought I was.  But don't let that intimidate you.  As long as you enjoy sewing and like your results, you're still a great sewer.



    1. GranAtHome | | #2

      Hi, Sherry.  Thanks for your kind reply.  I had figured out a long time ago that while I am quite a good seamstress by many standards, I couldn't begin to compete with many of the Threads readers.  Nearly all my sewing has been on simple cotton dresses for children.  In a very small town the only place to buy cloth has been Wal-Mart for years upon years.  That's rather limiting.  Plus, until a bit over a year ago, I had an elderly machine which will not handle delicate fabric or knits at all.  My new purchase (a Janome 9000) opened up a world of possibilities, but... there is still the Wal-Mart limitation.  I am pretty good with those simple cottons, though.  I guess that's my niche.  (Smile.)

      Isn't it hot?  Whew.  On the radio this afternoon I heard a woman in Michigan complaining that it's around 95º there!





      1. Elisabeth | | #3

        WalMart can be a gold mine. Every now and then I drop by the WalMart fabric section to see what is on the $1 table. Among the junky bolts are some really nice ones. Among other goodies I recently found a soft lightweight cotton twill that will make a beautiful blouse/shirt, some attractive poplin for a fall jacket, and some frothy white cotton gauze for curtains for a large window. Occasionally I buy some junky fabric in the right weight for test muslins. Most of the bolts are 60" wide. I hope your WalMart has a nice dollar table too! Fabric is the only thing that gets me into WalMart, can't say I buy anything else there.

        1. GranAtHome | | #4

          You're right about the $1/yard table, Elizabeth.  And one thing I'm noticing is some nice upholstery fabric which is "in" right now for purses and bags.  That can be fun, too.  But you can get burnt anywhere, not just WM.  I bought cloth for the first time from a reputable online dealer; it faded noticeably when I pre-washed.  Then I also got some supposedly better quality broadcloth from a quilt shop and after I pre-washed it, the grain is off terribly.  Some of my Wal-Mart cheapies have performed better than that!



          1. San | | #5

            Welcome!  I'm sure you'll enjoy this web site.  This is our first computer (I'm learning) and I found this site and it's filled with  information!   Enjoy!                  San

          2. fabricator | | #6

            Hi everyone!  I'm not sure yet if I'm doing this right, but I'm a newbie too.  I've been getting Threads for years and have sewn since childhood, but don't consider my sewing skills to be top notch, so I'm hoping to learn a lot.  I also worked for about 10 years as a patternmaker in the garment industry, so I'm looking for that discussion on patternmaking software.  I'm 52 and have four kids, ages 4 to 25, plus a 3 yr. old grandson I babysit quite often ... so time is precious, but  I love fabrics and creating things from scratch to finished product, so I'm looking forward to some great exchanges in information!

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