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Conversational Threads

GutermannThread Assortment

soie | Posted in Equipment and Supplies on

Does anyone know a source for the Gutermann thread assortment that comes in the plastic case, with probably about 50 small spools of variegated colors? 


  1. JanF | | #1

    try some schools purchasing organisations?
    I get them for school - but Im in UK
    I use Nottingham Handicraft and ill check with them if they do the exact stuff and post abroad for u if u like - and if I can get my head back into school mode - Ill remember my other suppliers' names!!
    Im afraid I find the 1st week on holiday, all my brain scrambles and i get so many things muddled up - presumeably the lifting of stress - that I cant off hand remember the other 2 sites i buy from - if i do ill attach an edited list!

    this is in USA?
    Ill keep adding when i find the details
    I must admit the thread is great I think!

    Edited 7/25/2007 9:50 am ET by JanF

    1. soie | | #6

      thank you Jan,

      that site does have the Gutermann assorted thread sold in one set, excellent.  It's still summer, so don't tax your memory more than necessary!  I like knowing about different sources, and it's fun to get a reply from the UK -- I'm all the way out it California. 

      Enjoy your summer! 

      1. JanF | | #9

        No doubt you are sunbathing most days??
        I'm going to be a very fetching shade of "rust" if the rain doesn't stop soon!
        I too like to look at catalogues etc for new stuff
        www. kars.biz
        for something new Ive bought today!
        It's a circular "knitting" ring - a development from the bobbin knitting I used to do when small on an old cotton reel!!
        Reels are robust plastic(hope its recycled or my carbon footprint suddenly got larger)! and I saw someone using one at a craft show recently and took Mum to see what they are like. Mum's fingers do not work so quickly now at 87 but she wants to keep making so we had a lovely time buying the assorted reel sizes and a selection of wools.
        I'm even thinking it might be something new for school - particularly small groups of less able pupils - quick, easy results.
        Something else to take with me in the motorhome next week.sorry - you need to look under French Knitting - I'd completely forgotten that is what the skill was called!!
        certainly a much better piece of equipment than an old cotton reel.
        I'll be lucky if we can move the van with all I want to take with me on 2 week holiday!!
        Happy catalogue shopping!

        Edited 7/26/2007 8:20 am ET by JanF

        1. MaryinColorado | | #12

          Hope you have a wonderful holiday!  (Hope you don't "rust" lol....I'll wish you sunny days!  Mary

          Thanks for the website.  I had never seen the sewing thread in the cases, except for Rayon or Poly embroidery thread.  Thanks so much!  Mary

          Edited 7/27/2007 10:59 am by MaryinColorado

          1. JanF | | #13

            UR welcome - counting the days to blast off - just wondering how much of the Katherine Hepburn outfit I could have a go at before we go! Pete's away tonight and most of tomorrow - so I might just get going!

          2. MaryinColorado | | #14

            Have a lovely time in France, you lucky ducky!!!  What fabric are you using?  Mary

        2. soie | | #15

          We here in sunny California would absolutely LOVE some of your rain!  It's been very hot and glaringly bright, so you won't find me out there for long.  I think there are some better climates than Los Angeles, such as San Diego or San Francisco.  :)

          Thanks for the catalog tip, I'll check that out and let you know if I pick something up.  Sounds very interesting, what you found.  And also that you could be teaching something like this to your students!  Wish I could come and be in your class.  That is awesome that your mum is still making beautiful things.  She must be quite the expert. 

          I envy you your holiday, have a wonderful time and hope the sun shines for you!

          1. JanF | | #16

            Thanks for the good wishes re. holiday!It has actually been a lovely day today - sod's law that here we'll have sun - I go to France and it will pour down - just u watch!
            Mum has already put me to shame and made her first french knitted hat! She seems to think it's great to be able to do something again (I dread not being able to knit/sew etc!!) and she is already thinking/planning different ideas.
            I'm now going to try out my new (old) pattern for the Katherine Hepburn dress! It says on the pattern try out on old fabric/sheeting first - sod that for a game of soldiers!! I'm going to go straight in there with whatever I can find that I might possibly wear myself - or it will go on ETsy if I cannot wear it! Deadline - Thursday - after that I really must pack up the motorhome for France!!
            (Etsy = a site to sell ur stuff on - my daughters doing quite well on it)! lots of scarves she's selling at the moment.
            Her selling site = greygoat - I might attach a link if I can!http://greygoat.vox.com/Edited 7/29/2007 10:51 am ET by JanF http://handbellringer.blogspot.com/if this works - and there shouldn't be any reason why it does not - this is my very first attempt at a blog!!

            Edited 7/29/2007 11:39 am ET by JanF

          2. soie | | #17

            I'm having way too much fun looking at all your links when I should be working on my on-line HR management class!!  Thank you for sharing all of that.  The hard thing about doing an on-line class is that a site on textiles or sewing is only a click away.

            That Hepburn pattern looks so elegant, I'm sure it will be fun to wear.

            I know it would be a great loss to your school if you weren't there; regardless of what the younger crew seems to be doing, the students have so much to gain by your experience, methods, and your apparently broad range of talents - not to mention all the resources you have to access all the cool textile stuff out there !  It's great that you're in a position to ignite the passion for this field in the students.  I'll bet some of them could take lessons from your mum too !!!  She sounds wonderful.

            I learned to sew with my mom, and while sewing at home I couldn't be bothered to finish my seams.  I signed up for a sewing class in high school, altho "I knew it all", and we were required to finish our seams.  Well !  ever since, I can't make a garment without finishing my seams!  Of course as time went by, I realized how very much more there is to learn about sewing, and it's all so interesting and satisfying. 

            There's a cute new magazine I came across recently with a "young" focus and all about DYI, called "Ready Made", have you heard of it?  Topics covered include sewing, making wood furniture, etc... maybe you could write some articles for it, since you work with students ! 

            Ok, I really have to get to "school" now.  Happy weekend!

          3. JanF | | #18

            Thank you for ur post = remember a lot of the links are via my daughter - who is a bit of a wizz when it comes to finding sites - much better than I!!!
            I do try to keep abreast of things etc. but I fully appreciate that I COULD spend a lot more time finding out things on the web - its just that I'm back to that guilty feeling that I should be cooking the meal - or cleaning etc.
            I haven't been on all Kate's links yet!
            I do try to keep abreast for school, but its so easy to get behind in what's "going down" as they say!
            Actually - now I've written that I think I DO sound my age - trying to be hip!!
            Keep watching -Jan

  2. User avater
    Nik-ki | | #2

    Joann Fabrics has all types of threads.........................



    1. soie | | #7

      Thanks, JoAnn does have the Gutermann thread, but they don't carry the preassembled color assortment in a plastic carry case, unfortunately. 

  3. Jumala | | #3

    Nancy's Notions has a thread assortment, don't know what brand and how many. Comes in a plastic box with a cover that lifts off.


  4. Ralphetta | | #4

    Check Threads advertisers.

  5. maconga | | #5

    Try http://www.sewtrue.com. I found them to be the larges supplier of Guttermann thread.

    1. soie | | #8

      Thanks,   I've had a look at SewTrue, but they don't carry the preassembled assortment of threads in a case...

  6. jane4878 | | #10
    1. soie | | #11

      Thank you so much!  I'm glad it's still available.

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