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Hair-Set Tape

Dragana | Posted in Equipment and Supplies on

Hi all,

I have been reading the Dec/Jan 08 issue and I like the article about sewing a lapped zipper.

I have tried to find where I can buy the hair-set tape – amazon had it but they will not for some reason ship to Australia.

Does anyone know where else I can get it mail order?

Thank you

Dragana Edwards






  1. mygaley | | #1

    Here in Louisiana, USA, hair-set tape is available in the beauty and health departments of large box stores (Wal-Mart) and we also have beauty supply specialty stores that sell to the public. Failing that, perhaps there is a hairdresser in your life that would order some from their wholesale supplier. God bless you Galey

  2. Cherrypops | | #2


    Scotch Brand - Hair-Set Tape is supplied to Australia by 3M http://www.3m.com/

    Click on Select your area of the World.

    Scroll to the bottom of the page to Oceania  Australia and click English

    Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on Contact3M

    Email or telephone them for Stockists within Australia. Hopefully there will be a supplier in your state.

    Please let us know what the response is.

    I am not affiliated with 3M I found this by searching the internet.

    CherryPops - australia -





    Edited 11/15/2007 6:02 pm by Cherrypops

    1. Dragana | | #3

      thanks - I did see that site but did not realise all the steps.

      would not mind giving it a go - anything to get a perfect lapped zipper.


      1. Cherrypops | | #4

        you're welcome.

        the tape is an interesting piece of 'sewing'. I hope you find the tape and are successful with it in your garment.

        1. Brine | | #5

          Just a question: does anyone know if you can use the "first-aid" type paper tape for this purpose?

          1. Cherrypops | | #6

            I hadn't thought of that.

            I haven't a clue.

            Could you try it and let us know?

          2. Brine | | #18

            I haven't tried setting a zipper using the medical paper tape (I have used the double sided sticky wash away Wonder tape in setting zippers in Polar Fleece). One advantage of the medical paper tape is that I can use it to tape my paper patterns and iron over it, which I cannot do with Scotch tape.

    2. Dragana | | #8

      Well after several emails to the 3M site and sending images and descriptions of the Hair-Set Tape - I have been advised that the tape is not available in Australia.

      Any suggestions? I would kill to be able to insert a lapped zipper perfectly.


      Dragana Edwards




      1. Cherrypops | | #9

        Ouch! I totally understand how you feel. I have just found out (after many phone calls and weeks of waiting) that a particular colour range of Machine Embroidery Thread I needed was unavilable to purchase in Australia.

        I will think more about the Hair-Set Tape. In the meantime try what Teaf5 suggested above. The Cello (sticky) tape ........practice a lapped zipper with that. Teaf does come up with good advice.




        1. User avater
          quietlife | | #10

          Paper tape (as we call it in the US medical system) would be an ok replacement. It does not have as very sticky adhesive so it should be fine for most fabrics. I would not use it on velvet, or the like. I would also try your local hairdresser.....especially a shop that works with a great deal of "up-dos" and "setting" of hair (as my mother had every week for my entire growing up years). In the US you can buy it at the local beauty supply shop without a license.......not sure how that works outside the US.

          1. Cherrypops | | #13

            Thanks for your input.

            It is actually Dragana that wishes to use the tape.

            I hope she reads this message on the forum, as it was I who received the email notifictation of your response.


        2. Dragana | | #16

          Thanks to everyone for their input - I will certainly try some of the suggestions.



      2. jatman | | #11

        Do you think there is anyone out there who might like to trade sending you some hair-set tape in exchange for something Australian like one of the smocking magazines (not sure if these are found in the US or not) or vegemite (just kidding!)?



        1. Cherrypops | | #14

          Not a bad idea JT.

          Im an Aussie as you know, and I don't like vegemite. The only time I ate it was when I was pregnant..(that's how hubby knew I was....needed the extra Vitamin B).

          My boy isn't too keen on it either.

          I have read the other advice given to Dragana, and I hope she succeeds with one.

          1. jatman | | #15

            Seems like someone out there might want something that they can't get in the US.  Country Bumpkin publications aren't readily available where I am and it costs a fortune to ship here so I only order things sparingly and when they are having a special.  Maybe someone is looking for one of their publications that is hard to find in the US.

            I tried the vegemite when I was there - can't say I liked it too much either!  Very bitter!

            I've never seen hair set tape where I live but I will now keep an eye out for it.  If I stumble on it I'll tell Dragana.


  3. Teaf5 | | #7

    I use regular cello (giftwrapping) tape or painter's masking tape in 1/2" width for sewing lapped zippers.  The tape doesn't stay on the fabric very long, so it doesn't really matter what kind you use.  The opaque cello tape and masking tape are easier to see than the clear cello tape is, but any of them work better than chalk.

  4. sewelegant | | #12

    I have used the paper tape a lot (for patterns, crafting, etc.) it is just less sticky than adhesive tape or cellophane tape.  Nancy's Notions sells this tape as well as Clotilde and calls it pattern tissue tape (I think).  Another good tape to use is the art tape I was encouraged to buy for a watercolor class I took.  It is not as sticky as masking tape and it was sold with the art supplies.  Mine was white, but it comes in blue.  It is not see-through so maybe that is why it is not mentioned for sewing purposes.  I remember using Scotch Brand magic tape for putting in a zipper years ago and didn't have any real problems with it.  Now I never use any technique except opening the zipper... lining up the teeth with the edge of the fabric fold where I want the zipper to be and stitching it down.  Zip the zipper and lay the opposite edge of fabric in place and sew that edge.  (This is not very good directions, I know) I think Sandra Betzina uses this technique so it would be in one of her books, but I learned it a long time ago and it is so simple and works better than anything else I try.   I'd have to go look it up since I haven't put a zipper in in a long time.  You baste the opening closed first so you do not have to worry about sewing straight.  You then iron the seam open and lay the open zipper on the seam, lining up the teeth with the edge.  Baste it down with the machine (sewing only on the seam allowance) Now, turn the piece to the outside and sew in the zipper as usual, but since the zipper is anchored, it won't go anywhere!  I really like this technique for hand picking zippers on the top (or public) side.  This works for a lapped zipper insertion too, but I'd have to go look up the technique.  I really can't remember that off the top of my head.

    1. Dragana | | #17

      Thanks for the detailed instructions - I will give it a go and let you know how I go.

  5. Pattiann42 | | #19

    I buy my "paper-tape" in the first aid department.  Nexcare Gentle Paper Tape (in a dispenser) is what I use for temporary fixes.  

    It is also good when you need to bandage a fuzzy pet!


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