I am a new recruit to this Discussion Group and I am thrilled. We live in Duncan and have the same problem NO SEWING STORES. We do have a very good quilting store. I have been to Tillicum Mall as they still have a fabric store. The other members of this group mentioned the one on Douglas “Gala Fabrics Ltd.”; very fine fabrics, and there are some stretch and sew fabric stores in around the Oak Bay area. I have not gone to the March Show for a few years. I have no sewing buddies and although my husband is very patient, it just isn’t the same. Perhaps we could all meet at some point at the Show, if only to introduce ourselves. A Big thank you to Threads for this wonderful opportunity to connect with other sewers. Take Care ALL.
Hi Alicia and all the other Vancouver Island sewers.
What a great idea to try to meet up at the sewing show. As the time gets closer we will need to plan a way to meet, maybe a special pin/ribbon or something. Then we can have coffee and 'sew away' to our hearts content.
I am just struggling with my computer and my sewing machine neither one wants to talk to the other...sulky things<VBG>
Cheers, Morag
Hello ladies (and gents?), I'm new to this forum but not forums in general. I've been sewing since my daughter was a baby (and before that, under my seamstress-grsandmother's tutelage) . My daughter will turn thirty next year (career woman) and is getting married next June. Guess what this fall's project is? I'm out in the islands and not likely to make it to the show...too much work, too many volunteer commitments, and too many projects...I can't get away.
Here's my question...what's the best book you've encountered on couture/evening gown/bridal sewing and/or design? I'm interested in fine sewing details eg finishes, closures, working with lace and so on. Not that I haven't any experience with these things but I'm looking for the best ideas and techniques. On this project I'm not looking for shortcuts, half-way measures or quick-sew stuff.
Sure, I could look books up online but I'm looking for opinions and reviews before I buy. Any help would be appreciated.
Sounds like a fantastic fall sewing project! Anyway, I recommend Susan Khalje's book on bridal sewing - she's an expert and her book is great - well worth the purchase price. Give yourself plenty of time for muslins and fittings and the gown should be magnificent.
Good luck!
I think that is a great idea to meet at the show in march . count me in
Hello Ladyelfreda:
That will be great we can set it up closer to the date.
I am on holiday for a few weeks so will not be chatting for a while.
Will be in touch when we return.
Hi Alicia,
I live in Idaho but we have a place in Nanoose Bay just north of Nanaimo where we spend the summers.
If you are up for a drive sometime. There are some sewing machine stores, quilt shops etc in Nanaimo. Also in Qualicum Beach there's The Really Good Fabric Store at #4, 177 W. Second Street. Tel: 250-752-8235.
We haven't been up for 2 years and I sure miss it!
Hi Venuscode:
Thank you. I do go up to Naniamo about once or twice a month and have visited Fabricland or is it Fanny's (I always get the two of them mixed up). I will look up the shop in Qualicum. We enjoy going up to Qualicum, the beach is wonderful and they have a new large grocery store and theater. Thank you for the information. I am off on holidays for a couple of weeks so will chat again around the end of August.
Take care
Edited 8/7/2006 9:35 pm ET by Alicia
Hello Ladies! I live on Gabriola . I would love to meet up in Victoria for the Sewing Expo. Or at the Fabricland in Nanaimo! Tessa
Hi Tessa,
I'm in Victoria and am looking forward to the Sewing Convention in March. Let's collaborate closer to the time.
Hi Alexandria
Yup - see you then! Tessa
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