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maebob | Posted in Equipment and Supplies on

Bernina 180E or Husqvarna Viking Designer I????? I would like to eventually get to primarily downloading designs off the Internet and designing my own embroidery designs.  Bernina criticizes Husqvarna’s floppy.  Husqvarna  claims they are more advanced.  I am very confused and frustrated with my machine shopping at this point.  Any advice would be greatly appreciated!


  1. charlwood | | #1

    Dear Maebob

    I purchased the Bernina 180E last August and I love the way it sews and embroiders, but I have had a number of problems with the tension/threading mechanism. It is quite delicate and I understand if the thread is pulled back through the mechanism or if the thread is pulled to the left when threading it can injure a small mechanical part. The master computer board also needed to be replaced. Bernina and my dealer have been great about the repairs, but I just wanted to sew not run my machine back and forth to the shop.  MCC

  2. ROBERTAJ | | #2

    This message may be late but I have the Bernina Artista 180E and I do like the fact that I can download designs from my computer to the  machine via a cable -- similar to the serial cable used for a mouse!  I also have the option of using a design card (purchased) or writing to a design card (bought the reader/writer box so if I move machine to different room from PC and don't want to set up laptop) I can easily write to a "blank" design card and take it to machine.  Also, the Magic Box is also available for purchase which would also convert designs from other SM manufacturer's design cards to a Bernina format card so there are several options on how to get a design to the machine.

    Never used the Viking but have heard good reviews on it as well -- which one do you like sewing on and feel most comfortable using?  I used to own a SIngler Touch and Sew -- purchased when Singer's quality was going down hill ~1971, and when I was allowed to sew a small seam on my friends bottom of the line Bernina 1008, I knew I needed a "quality" machine.  You get what you pay for! First bought the 1008 but was allowed to upgrade immediately to the 1260 Quilters Platinum Edition, and then bought the Artista 180E in 2001.


    San Diego

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