Help! In search of new machine.
Hi! I’m Kathy and new to this site!
I’m shopping around for a new machine. My old on that I have had for 15 years is a Singer and I am so frustrated with the annoying thread breaking constantly, bad tension, etc. So…I have been looking at bottom end LCD machines like the White 2999. Anyone out there own a White and what do you think about them? I also looked at the Viking Freesia 415 and the White has more on it.
I am looking for a machine that will make sewing fun again for us and is easy to use especially buttonholes and nice stitches and does great on thick materials. Not into embroidery yet, but it could happen!! I would like to stay around $450 or so at this time and move up later! !I also need to convince my hubby that I can enjoy using the machine again and that it won’t just collect dust!!!)
Advice would be greatly appreciated and any other suggestions.
Thanks! Kathy
The women who own the older Swiss-made Elnas and Berninas keep them forever and love them. If you bought one of those on Ebay, or from a shop in your town, I feel sure you'll be happy with it. They are machined and engineered like the old swiss watches. The stitch quality is superb. They never (hardly) break and the resale price is always high, if you decide to go with a more expensive machine later.
Take a look at
Good luck,
Thanks for the info. I have never used either machine but have heard of them . I will go try out a couple.
Thanks! :-)
I have loved my Elna, and have used Elnas for 25 years. However, it is important that you know that the Elna brand is now owned by Janome, because Elna went broke 4 years ago. Thus, there are NO NEW parts being manufactured for older Elnas. Thus, my 18 year old Elna is now kaput, and can't be fixed, due to the fact that older "computerized" models weren't very computerized. Because an internal plastic cam (not the special stitch "cams"), i.e., gearing constantly moved, even when not in actual use (e.g., for buttonholing, or reverse stitching) those parts are now wearing out, and cannot be fixed.
So, beware....
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