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Help me find sources for wool jersey

EmerlyeArts | Posted in Fabric and Trim on

I read with delight the recent article on making “felted” items using wool jersey. Since I live in a remote area, with no local sources of 100% wool fabric, I have been searching the web for fabric sources of white or uncolored wool jersey so I can dye things myself and make up some felted jackets. I am having a terrible time finding sources. I haven’t found a single one for white. Can anyone help me?


  1. ElonaM | | #1

    Fabric Mart has some wool jerseys that have received much praise at http://www.sewingworld.com


    Edited 11/6/2003 1:39:09 PM ET by Elona

  2. SewNancy | | #2

    You can call Paron Fabrics and have them send samples.  They have several locations.  I usually ask for Lucy at the 57th st. store.  They have a nice selection of jerseys and send really big samples.  Also Mood has a huge selection of wool jerseys I was there in August but, not looking for white I can't say for certain if they have white.

    Mood  212 750-5003  Paron 212 247-6451

    1. penelope | | #4

      Paron's store on 57th Street is closed.  Lucy is now at the store on 40th Street.  She is indeed worth asking for.

      1. SewNancy | | #5

        Thanks for the info on Paron.  I was just in the City and at Paron on 40th but didnt' realize that they had closed 57th street.  I bought a thin wale stretch cordoroy in tan and black for $6 a yd at the half price store.  also stretch wool gab that is really amazing quality. 


  3. TERISEW | | #3

    Jomar at I Street and Venango, in Philadelphia. And when they have the sale , the prices are great.

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