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Help, my Bernina 1530 got wet!

KraftyGirl | Posted in General Discussion on

My ceiling had a leak and it dripped right on to my Bernina 1530. It turns on, but I’m afraid that I’ll damage it if I use it. Does anyone have experience with the motherboard on a 1530 getting wet? Any advice gladly taken.


  1. jjgg | | #1

    Get that baby in to a service person to have it checked.My service guy has told me over and over to never get rid of my 1530, it's one of the better machines Bernina made.That being said, MY 1530 has a gremlin and it's been to its maker several times (returned to the factory) and still the gremlin persists.
    I've learned to deal with it since I don't want to pay for expensive repairs just to have nothing done to fix it. The gremlin shows up only on a rare occasion. - When I turn on the machine it starts sewing backwards! All I have to do is turn off the machine and turn it back on and all is well.It's a great machine.

    1. KraftyGirl | | #4

      thanks! will do!

      1. katina | | #6

        Keep us informed. Cathy's suggestion about sun is good; what about a fan placed near by?


    2. Larry from approved sms | | #12

      Solution to 1530 sticking in reverse

      To fix your 1530 Bernina once and for all, you tech will need to pull out the feed carrier and adjust the lower step motor clearance to 1.5mm this will fix all the problems . You can contact me at [email protected] for more info on you problem, I am a former tech for Bernina. 

  2. katina | | #2

    Was it clean rainwater that leaked on to it? If the water was 'pure', drying the machine thoroughly - perhaps with careful use of a hairdryer - might be all it needs.

    Good luck!


    1. KraftyGirl | | #3

      Yes it was---thanks!

  3. User avater
    ThreadKoe | | #5

    My instinct says Take Baby to the Doctor! This is something that your favorite repair guy/gal should be looking into. That being said, how wet did your machine actually get? Damp, or Soaked? If it was damp, a low hair dryer, well away from the machine, may just dry her up enough, but not seize up the machine. Setting it outside in a sunny place, but not hot, may do the same. I would be worried about corrosion. At the very least, call your repair guy. Cathy

  4. Teaf5 | | #7

    Water of any type anywhere near a motherboard is not good news. Water not only oxidizes the circuitry but also conducts electricity (even if the machine is not on, there is static electricity in the circuits).I agree--take it to a tech! The damage has already been done, and your using it probably won't damage it any further, but a damaged motherboard might create further damage in other parts of the machine. A tech may be able to salvage the memory and/or data and replace the motherboard, but expect either of those repairs to be fairly costly. Be sure to get an estimate before agreeing to the repairs, and expect to pay at least an hour's worth of labor for the diagnosis; dismantling it takes skilled time and effort.We will all be hoping that the water did not penetrate to the motherboard or other critical areas--please let us know what happens!

    1. miatamomma | | #8

      Not sure of how expensive your machine was or how much repairs may cost would your homeowners' insurance pay for it?


  5. meg | | #9

    I've taken to draping a piece of upholstery fabric over my old machine to keep most of the dust off it. I may fuse some vinyl to it as well. Good luck getting your machine back in running order! May the sewing machine gods and goddesses help you out!!

    1. KraftyGirl | | #10

      Thanks ladies! I will definitely take to the repair shop. I have set in sun and gently blow dried, so just keeping fingers crossed. More later. :-)

  6. Tatsy | | #11

    Ouch! It makes me cringe just to think about it! It's definitely worth taking in. Motherboards can be replaced if the rest of the machine is not rusting. If it makes you feel any better the credit union where our youngest son works had a leak right over their mainframe. They now have a metal pan about 8'x 8' raised on a scaffold over the computers, just in case.

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