Help Singer model 237-timing problem??

I have a Singer 237 Zig Zag sewing machine that has a “timing problem.
When I use the zig zag stitch, the machine sometimes skips a stitch or two. It appears the bottom thread is not picked up. A call to the service repair shop informed me the timing has to be adjusted but refused to tell me where or how to adjust it, even though I told them I was very familiar with my machine. I would greatly appreciate any help in locating the timing adjustment screw/ whatever. I am also trying to locate a service manual.
Thanks in advance for any help you can offer.
Please do yourself a favor and check to see what kind of needle you are using and check the upper thread on your machine. First with the needle I don't care what any sales person or fix-it person tells you but with Singer machines you must use Singer needles. There seems to be a micron difference in the length of other needles that will cause the skipped stitches. Also take the upper thread completely out and rethread it and make sure that your needle is in the most upright position before threading the machine again. ( and the presser foot is up). After this if it stills skips try loosening the upper tension. If the machine has been out wear curious little hands have access to it the tension knob can be turned almost a complete turn and not look like anything has been done to it. Also if this is a machine that is old enough that it is not a self oiling model then a couple of drops of 2 in 1 oil is in order. It should run like a dream after that. Also another thought has it been cleaned recently because lint build up in the bobbin area can cause these problems. Hope this helps and it saves you a trip to the repair shop.
Thanks for your advice. I do keep my machine well maintained: oiling and cleaning and had even replaced the needle (not a Singer mind you) to no avail. However, after it was suggested again to change the needle I thought what the hell. Turns out that in the new package I had just bought I had 2 duds. However, new fast does fleece dull a needle? I sewed about 4 seams when I started to notice a skip in the stitching.......Changed the needle and skipping. The skipping only seems to happen when using the zig zag, I can use an older needle on straight stitching with no problems. Any thoughts? I will, however pick up some Singer needles and see how long they fair and if it does make a difference on my machine. I thought these German made needles (their name slips my mind) were preety good. Have located a service manual for $15.00 which I will pick up, since the service people take too long and are too expensive for my liking. Thanks again.
The fleece can dull the needle a little faster than other materials. But a general rule of thumb that I find holds up pretty well is always change the needle after every project. I know that sounds pretty tedious but needles are the cheapest part of sewing and can make or break the project. Also something that I thought about after replying the last time. What size needle are you using? Also especially with the zig zag you really need to have in that Singer needle. I know that the others may seem like a bargain but not if the stitches don't form correctly. You also say that you can get several seams out of one needle and then you get the skipped stitches. It sounds as if you have more of a tension problem. It sounds as if you tension is slipping ever so slightly as you are sewing. Especially with older models there seems to be more shaking and rattling within the machine than the newer ones and that can cause problems as well. Also try loosing the tension a great deal and run an unwaxed dental floss through it with a small amount of denatured alcohol on it to clean the disc. Hope this helps.
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