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Help: Source for tissue-weight knits

lintqueen | Posted in Fabric and Trim on

I am looking for true tissue weight cotton/cotton-blend knit fabric that’s suitable for making thin scarves that can be wrapped many times without being bulky. I imagine that it’ll end up being sheer (which is just fine — and in fact is probably desirable). From what I’ve read, I am probably looking for a weight of 2-3oz./yd.

If I could find a supplier with a wide range of colors so much the better. I know this stuff is out there, but I am having a dickens of a time finding it, and I suspect it’s because I’m not using the correct terms (FWIW, I’ve tried “featherweight, tissue knit” etc — but am turning up mostly things in the 5-7oz. range).

(See attached image — see how sheer it is when she’s holding it up?).

Help? Online would be best and any tips would be VERY appreciated!

-Gina Norman (http://www.lintqueen.com)


  1. sewslow67 | | #1

    Have you tried to Google it using the search phrase: "knit gauze"?  Here's a link in case you want to check this out.  Just a thought.


    1. lintqueen | | #2

      I hadn't tried that! That seems to be giving me mostly "Crinkly" things, and I'm looking for smooth, but it's another avenue to pursue, so thank you!!

      1. sewslow67 | | #3

        You are most welcome.  Now then, how about this website:


      2. MaryinColorado | | #4

        That DharmaTradingCo website also has a variety of knits, even silk knits so you may also want to check their "stretch" category.  You might also contact them and explain what you are looking for, they have excellent customer service.  Mary

  2. woodruff | | #5

    All I have found along this line are a couple of tie-dye "tissue jerseys" at fabric.comhttp://www.fabric.com/apparel-fashion-fabric-knit-fabric-jersey-knit-fabric.aspxHowever, in the past, I HAVE seen sheer cotton jerseys sold at this site. You might want to email them. I've heard that the owner responds nicely to emails.

    1. KharminJ | | #6

      Happy Saturday, Gina!It may be possible to "get to" the producers of said tiedye fabric by writing to Dharma or Fabric.com - and arrange to purchase it before they dye it? Would probably need to buy some quantity, but it sounds like that what you're planning anyway? Just thoughts - good hunting to you! And Bright Blessings! Kharmin

      1. lintqueen | | #8

        That's a good idea -- I'll try emailing those sites and seeing if they can hook me up. Fits right in line with my philosophy of "if you don't ask, you won't get, but I hadn't thought of it in this case." :-)

        1. KharminJ | | #9

          Hi Gina! There is another brand-new member here (ecovalley) who is looking for a similar weight *woven* fabric. (thread: Gauze Fabrics, #9682.1) I just suggested she pop over here ~ maybe you can put your heads (and search results) together, and both find the kinds of beautiful scarf material you're looking for!

          Bright Blessings!Kharmin

    2. MaryinColorado | | #7

      oooooh, that is neat fabric!  Mary

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