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help with applying trim on top of ribbon

jenjen14 | Posted in Fabric and Trim on

Hi everyone! I need some help with a trim and ribbon combination. I have already sewn the ribbon to the fabric. It looks great! What my idea is – to apply a smaller width trim on top of the satin poly ribbon. What would be the best way to do this? Do I use stitch witchery to bind the trim to the ribbon or glue stick it into place? Thank you.


  1. stitchmd | | #1

    Is there a reason you don't want to stitch it?

    1. jenjen14 | | #2

      I do want to stitch it. I was wondering which would be the best to hold it in place. I ended up doing a sample with both items.(glue stick and stitch witchery) The sample with the glue stick looked so much better. The Stitch witchery was okay, but not as nice looking.If I can figure out how to post a picture, I can post how both looked. Thanks for your help.

      1. stitchmd | | #3

        The way to do this is to stitch the narrower piece to the wider one first.  If it is too hard to handle the two ribbons you can baste or adhere the wide one to a stabilizer, add the narrow one, then remove the stabilizer. Then you stitch the wide ribbon to the fabric.

        There are basting tapes you could use to position the narrow ribbon on the wide one to get them lined up evenly.

        1. jenjen14 | | #4

          Thanks for the information! I am going to use that on my next trim project - a trimmed tablecloth.

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