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Help with Ice Skating Costumes

jmdoyle | Posted in General Sewing Info on


My neice is participating in serious level ice skating.  Part of the high cost of this pursuit is the costumes.  I am a pretty good sewer, and I would like to start making her costumes for her.  I have found patterns that would be suitable, but I am clueless about the fabrics and the sewing techniques needed for those fabrics.  Can anyone suggest a resource, link, website or some other source that would helpful.

Most of the info I have found involves a serger, that’s something I  have – but beyond that – I don’t know where to start.

Any and all help would be greatly appreciated!



  1. dianeS | | #1

    A place for fabric is http://www.fabricdepotco.com , they have a good selection of hard to find sheer fabrics

    The Kwik Sew book on sewing activewear is a good basic reference, and includes lots of patterns which would be suitable for practice.

    Also look at http://www.specialtysportswear.com  and http://www.jalie.com

    I often use my regular machine instead of a serger, it's easier to control creeping stretch velvet with it. I also prefer to cut out the slippery lycra with a rotary cutter and mat, it's alot more accurate than scissors and I use weights to hold the pieces down instead of pins.  When using lycra fabrics, the greater stretch goes around the body, be sure and check when buying the fabric if the greater stretch is across or lengthwise. It doesn't matter which way....as long as you lay your pattern out correctly. Lycra fabrics aren't consistant, so you need to check.


    1. ixs | | #2

      I think there are books on sewing costumes, but I can't remember where I saw one. 

      I used to sew wrestling singlets out of two-way stretch for my son, the wilder the pattern the better.  I knew I had gotten the design, fabric, and sewing right when I saw the singlets on the other boys.  And I only used a sewing machine, and those singlets got some pretty heavy wear and some heavy washing. 

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