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Conversational Threads

Help with shower liner

Susan -homedecsewing | Posted in Quilting and Home Decor on

Good morning, I’m wondering if anyone has any suggestions for a fabric shower liner that is 72 ” wide and 12′ tall. it must be fabric not vinyl and waterproof. Maybe a poly windbreaker type fabric. Right now I need white but colors would be helpful for other clients.I’d prefer no seams. although french seams could work. I decorate many really tall baths and this is one I need to come up with a good solution for . thanks , I wait to hear any ideas and fabric suggestions, your friend …Susan P. S. These are rarely used guest baths usually , mostly for show, but must be waterproof.


  1. Minnie63 | | #1

    Susan, I used to make my own shower curtains using sheets. I would buy regular plastic liners with them. Since your curtains will be tall, may I suggest attaching the sheet fabric to the top of the lining, that way, you'll have the plastic where you need it and the fabric will help with the length.

    Hope I didn't confuse you.

  2. user-51823 | | #2

    i would suggest, if needed, not a french seam but a lapped seam.
    there's some microfiber out there now that should repel water. i guess rarely-used designer bathrooms want uncommon fabrics, but i'll always want a plastic liner.

    there are decorative vinyls and oil cloths out there that could work nicely. google 'oil cloth' and see what you get.

  3. User avater
    Becky-book | | #3

    Waterproof?  any lightweight (non-cotton) cloth will keep the shower splash in the tub if the bottom of the curtain is 'tucked in'; and if spread to full width after use should dry quickly.  Poly windbreaker cloth should do nicely!


  4. starzoe | | #4

    There is a fabric called ripstop. It comes in quite a few colours (black, navy, red that I have seen). It is flexible, light weight and comes in wide widths.

  5. SewFit | | #5


    Check out the above link.  I believe this could be an option for you.  I've seen fabric shower curtains made from a similar fabric.

    1. Susan -homedecsewing | | #6

      Thank you for the great fabric site !! Its just what I was looking for. I so love this forum , and all you smarties !

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