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Hemming border prints

Carolinemary | Posted in General Sewing Info on

Does anyone have suggestions about shortening a skirt made of a border print? If I do it from the bottom, I’ll probably cut off most of the bottom border? Thanks for any suggestions.


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    dayenu | | #1

    1. remove the waistband and zipper. recut to proportion and re assemble.

    2. fold the border up to he length you want. sew a large foldon the wrong side and either serg or french seam it on the wrong side.

  2. jatman | | #2

    Can you horizontally pleat it?  (Several small folds sewn on the outside and pressed downward.)  If you can make it look like the skirt is supposed to have the little pleats it might work.


  3. Tatsy | | #3

    Those are both good methods.  Another one you could consider--if this is not a straight or A-line skirt--is to take out the extra in the middle.  Either you can cut out all the extra at the hipline, gather the top edge of the rest of the skirt and join like a basque, or you could take it out in two or three places so it becomes a tiered skirt.  It all depends on the look you want when you're finished.

  4. BJB1929 | | #4

    I would remove the waist band and zipper. Shorten at the waist and recut it to the original proportions.  Put in your zipper and add your waist band.  You should not have to do anything to your border.  I am assuming their is a hem on the bottom of the border.  If not, I would put in a "shirt tail" hem and the small hem most likely will not affect your border.  Good luck! 

    1. Carolinemary | | #5

      Thanks for the tips, which I will keep for another occasion. This time, because the border is so wide, I am going to cut a bit of it off and hem it in the usual way.

      1. BJB1929 | | #6

        If your border will not be affected too badly, I would do the same.

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