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Conversational Threads

hemming jeans using original hemmed edge- euro hem??

sewlace | Posted in General Sewing Info on

I thought that I read an article in THREADS regarding a neat way to hem a pair of designer jeans- using the original bottom edge by cutting pants length, and then resewing the original hemmed edge. It was almost invisible and one couldn’t tell how it was done..but NOW I want to DO IT! HELP, please?? Any information or thoughts woudl be greatly appreciated! mebaker


  1. barbchr | | #1

    There's an item on the Q&A
    There's an item on the Q&A page of THREADS Issue 122 (p. 72) by Linda Lee. The article is about how to preserve the original hem when shortening a pair of jeans. The hem is cut off and reattached after the jeans have been cut down to the desired length. It doesn't mention designer jeans specifically but I imagine the method wouldn't be any different.

    1. User avater
      sewlace | | #5

      THANK YOU..it is exactly what I was after. Also thanks for the other answers and hints, too. WHat a great forum!


  2. User avater
    genevieve | | #2

    My son-in-law wears expensive and stylish designer jeans, and all his pants need to be taken up. Inspired by the Threads info, I cut the hemmed section off about a 1/2 inch above the stitched hem, and pin the new seam removing the required amount.) I overlock the seam just above the original stitched hem, using heat sensitive thread in the upper looper. Then I press the overlocked seam upwards so that it glues to the inner leg. The seam looks invisible on the outside.

    1. andsewon | | #3

      Hi, just read your post regarding hemming jeans. where did you find the heat sensitive thread? thanks

      1. User avater
        genevieve | | #6

        Sorry for the delay in response - and I haven't got good news. I have always used Smart Stitch, which I think was imported from Switzerland. About 2 (maybe more) years ago I coudln't get it at my usual supplier. I emailed the importer - no response and no more web page. It had gone! I then found Gutterman had stopped producing their version. I haven't found any new options, but I did chase around and managed to buy several large spools, which are keeping me going. I think the product is fabulous, especially for fine slinky / jersey hems.Does anyone know of a new producer?

        1. KharminJ | | #7

          hmmm, Gen -
          hmmm, Gen -

          CreateForLess.com still shows Gutermann Fusible Thread here:


          AND - Hallelujah! - they have a toll-free phone number on the Contact Us page!!

          This certainly seems like way too useful and handy a product to discontinue - I hope your sources were mistaken!

          Bright Blessings ~ Kharmin

          1. User avater
            genevieve | | #8

            good news - thanks!

  3. stillsuesew | | #4

    It will only work if the jeans legs are absolutely straight.

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