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Conversational Threads

Hi to all

noreen | Posted in Gather For A Chat on

I just joined this afternoon. Haven’t been on a sewing message board site before.  i certainly hope that this helps me gather the energy to tackle the various sewing projects that have piled up around the house this year.  The Fabricland near my house is closing so i of course went in and bought lost of holidayish stuff and tons of patterns (most were $1 each with Vogue going for $3.00).  so I hope to be able to ask my questions here.  This is a huge site so I will just browse for the rest of the afternoon…unless work gets in the way


  1. Crazy K | | #1

    Hi.......and Welcome!!  You'll love it here.  The sewing gals/guys are the most helpful and friendliest people around!

    You can ask questions and get answers and often lots of different opinions!  It's just great!



  2. User avater
    VKStitcher | | #2

    Hi and welcome!  This is a great site, lots of friendly and helpful folks.  You'll learn a lot and be inspired as you read through all the posts.  Of course, that "work" thing often does get in the way <giggle--I'm at work now too!>, but you can drop in any time.

    What will you be making with all your new fabrics and patterns?

    1. noreen | | #16

      Oh grief I have made yet another trip to fabric land and bought more and more.  The first thing on the agenda are fairy costumes for my granddaughters and their mother.  She and I tend to "wing" these without patterns and just let stuff happen.  so far so good.  The girls are 2 and 5 and they think that my charcoal goldendoodle should be going out with them as well. also dressed as a fairy.  somehow I think that is not going to happen,  It is Thanksgiving here today so best to all

      1. User avater
        VKStitcher | | #19

        A belated "Happy Thanksgiving" to you.  Our Thanksgiving holiday is later in November (the 27th).

        What fun to make fairy costumes!  Share a photo with us if you can.  We love to see pictures!  :-)

  3. MaryinColorado | | #3

    Welcome!!!!  So glad you are joining our forum.  Don't be shy, we are all from various backgrounds and levels of sewing experience.  The love of sewing brings us all together here.  We have a variety of interests from clothing, quilting, dollmaking, home decor, knitting and crocheting.  Our knowledge and preferences run the gamut from handwork, treadle machines, computerized embroidery, to sergers and even those new felting machines. 

    You will find a wealth of caring helpful people here.  We all learn something from each other every day.  I look forward to your posts.  Mary

    1. sewslow67 | | #6

      Hey Mary!  My baby just got her first hair cut today, and she looks very "neked" ...giggle.  All those nice apricot curls are gone and she is so light ...almost like coffee with mostly cream in it (except for her "still-dark-apricot" ears).  And she has lost that little "bully" look on her face too, and now looks so innocent.   Amazing ...!  Of course, I didn't exactly do a professional job, but thought it might be less frightening to her than going into a busy pet salon.

      And yes, welcome to Noreen, and "Amen" to the others comments.  I hope you enjoy this group, and it is filled with lovely, creative people who are always willing to help.

      1. MaryinColorado | | #7

        We are so on the same wave length!  I trimmed little Zoey all up too, just not ready to turn her over to the groomer either.  She looks "necked" too!  ha ha  I couldn't believe how skinny she looks now, instead of like a little butterball.  Now you can tell she is only 4#'s.  She looks like she has a big head because I just don't have the heart to cut off her little mane though.  I put her hair up in a topknot, but she always manages to look a mess by the end of the day.  Guess I need to practice some more. 

        Just think, if we lived closer, we could let them wear each other out so we would have some energy left to sew!!!  (I think it's a conspiracy to get us some exercise, ha ha).  Those sweet little faces help them to wrap us around their little paws.  (The Vet showed me how to clip her nails with regular people nail clippers but it's still a bit frightening for me.) 

        Tonight she actually sat calmly on my lap for hours!  Wahoo!  That's a major milestone!  Mary

        1. sewslow67 | | #8

          Yes, I'm with you.  Wouldn't that be fun to live in the same area?  Like Zoey, Pumpkin's head also looks a bit out of proportion right now ...esp. with her little skinny body.  I miss all that hair, but  she will be healthier this way too.  Still, I definitely need to practice ...as she looks a bit "scruffy"; cute, but definitely scruffy.  I'll try to get a picture anyway, and it would be fun to see a new one of Zoey as well.

          She will definitely need a warm winter coat soon, as we usually get the first snow of the winter on Halloween, which isn't too far away.  I remember the first snow in middle of October, 1984, when I was living in Denver, as I had flown to Vermont for my son's wedding and when I flew home to Denver, the cabbie barely made it to my home in Englewood. The snow was already half way up my front door when we arrived!  He never returned to the airport that night because they had closed it shortly after we landed.

          1. Gloriasews | | #9

            Sewslow, we had our first snow (twice) yesterday - so your area won't be far behind.  Thank heavens our snow didn't last long (only about an hr. on the ground), but, nevertheless, not good (our leaves are just about gone, too) - it's going to be a l-o-n-g winter if it's coming this early.  Happy Thanksgiving!  Do you celebrate 2 or them now (ours & yours)?


            Edited 10/11/2008 3:16 am by Gloriasews

          2. MaryinColorado | | #10

            No snow yet, but it is quite chilly today, I can feel it in my bones already.  Zoey doesn't like the wet ground in the a.m. so she is hesitant to go past the patio already.  I might have to get her some of those little booties, oh brother! 

            Happy Thanksgiving!!!  Mary

          3. sewslow67 | | #11

            This is very strange, as I had written a minute ago and the message disappeared.  Hmmm ...I think I thanked you for your Thanksgiving good wishes and ...hmmm ...oh yes, but we decided to celebrate on the US holiday this year.  We've got too much going next week as we are preparing for a house guest and getting things packed to go down south for medical stuff.

            These little girls are so prissy, aren't they?  Pumpkin doesn't like the mist on the grass, and will no doubt bolt when it snows.  Booties?  Well, if I can train her earlier enough it will probably work.  But Sophie did not like them last year so I finally gave up on them for her.  Her winter coat still fits though, but I'll need to make one for Pumpkin.

            Must run.  Have to go to the pharmacy (for more gauze supplies) as my shoulder is completely torn open again - what a mess.  Don't even ask how that happened!  You don't want to know.

            Edited 10/11/2008 3:29 pm by sewslow67

          4. MaryinColorado | | #12

            Oh no!!!  Ok, I won't ask how it happened, but am concerned for you and the risk of infection in the joint and all the pain you are surely suffering!  You poor poor baby!  I am so sorry this happened to you!  You are in my prayers.  Mary

          5. User avater
            ThreadKoe | | #13

            Oh NO!  Is that not all healed yet?  And all torn up again.  My goodness.  Hope it is not too bad.  Here is a HUGE HUG  ((())).  Hope it feels better and heals soon.  Cathy

          6. Gloriasews | | #14

            Oh, you poor dear - that shoulder has been a pain for a few months now - & now it's torn open again!  So sorry to hear that.  Do take care of yourself.  Hope it heals soon & completely.


  4. victoria0001 | | #4

    Welcome!  It's always nice to have someone new.  You will find your questions answered and lots of wonderful ideas and solutions to weird sewing problems most of us encounter.  Everyone here goes out of their way to be helpful and I know you will enjoy it!  Remember "No Question Is Dumb" too.  There is always a good laugh so you can be funny as well.  We love that.

    Why are so many fabric shops closing I wonder?  Sad.  My next favorite spot is hardware stores.  They are great for sewing tools and tricks.

    1. noreen | | #15

      The only sewing store left in town is right next to Home depot My other favourite store as well.  I have told my husband that when I give up my job as a high school library technician I will get a part time job at either chapters or Home Depot and he tells me I won't be able to afford working at either one!

      1. victoria0001 | | #17

        Smart man!!!  I've never had the opportunity to work in stores that have products I love..............probably a very good thing.  Chapters would be high on my list as well.  I'd kill the budget for sure!

        I think we're very lucky to have so many interests.  Antiques are on the list.......it's never ending actually.

        Enjoy Gatherings.   


  5. Ceeayche | | #5

    Welcome and be prepared to giggle as well as learn a lot!


  6. Gloriasews | | #18

    Welcome, Noreen!  You'll love this Gatherings & meet some great people.  We're a nice bunch & you'll learn a lot & have a few laughs along the way.

    What province do you live in?  Our Fabricland is closing, too, but they say they are moving to a larger location (I live in BC).  I don't dare go & see what they have in their sale, as I would overspend for sure.  You're getting great prices at yours.  Are there other fabric shops in your area once this one closes down?  -  Gloria

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