My mom’s house burned to the ground on Monday in the San Diego fires. One of the precious things she lost, among familiy photos and keepsakes, was her sewing library, including every issue of Threads that she has recieved over the past many years. My mom taught me to sew, and some of my favorite memories of that house involve her sewing room, working there together. I want to do something to help her get her favorite hobby back, and contacted Threads about a library of back issues. They suggested I post here, saying that sometimes people need to find a new home for their magazine collection because they are moving or no longer have room. If someone in that situation is willing to donate their collected past issues to my mom, I would be so grateful, and would be happy to pay shipping. Please contact me at [email protected]. Thank you.
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That was terrible tragedy and I've been watching the news and so many people's homes are being threatened. I'm sorry that I don't have any thread mags to share. Our hearts go out to your mother and you all.
I've been watching the news stories of the fires, and I'm so sorry to hear about your mom's house. What a tragedy. Unfortunately, I don't have any Threads magazines to offer, but someone else here may. I wish you success in locating them for her.
I'm sorry, I don't have any spare copies. Have you tried ? There is a classified section on that site and someone there may be able to help. Good Luck!
Threads magazines are frequently listed on ebay.
My brother house as of last night was 2 miles away from the fires, He and his family have evacuated, this is so scary.
I am so sorry to hear about your mom's house. What a tremendous loss. We have several family members in Temecula and Fallbrook. So far they are okay.
I do not have any extra copies, but it might help to post on another site, like Butterick or Sew News. I think we are all die-hards here. On another site they might be more willing to let go. God bless.
What a shock this must be to your whole family. My 80 year old mother-in-law was evacuated from Rancho Bernardo on Monday morning. She was able to get back to her house today and luckily it was still standing, though 250 houses within a one mile radius had been burned to the ground, the closest within a quarter of a mile of her home. It is so hard to be so far away and unable to help. I will keep your family in my prayers. I will also pray that you find the issues of THREADS you seek. They will be a lovely, welcome surprise for your mom during this difficult time.
I just read your post and wish I could supply the old Threads, but my collection is sporadic and missing all the first issues, but still very dear to me. I have to share this with you though... I live just east of Rancho Bernardo in Poway and we received the mandatory evacuation notice around 4 am last Monday. Couldn't believe we could actually be in the path, but the winds were howling like the devil so anything could happen. In gathering up the things I thought I would miss most I looked at my 10 year old Bernina and thought, well if it goes maybe I can get a new one that does embroidery! Took down all my paintings that have been done by others near and dear to me, but forgot the crocheted tablecloth that took 10 years for me to complete! I also didn't take my framed cross stitch pictures I enjoy looking at and remembering the hours put into them. I did pack a weeks worth of clothes and my favorites because I do have a hard time replacing them at a moments notice. In retrospect we did a poor job of packing, but are grateful we now have time to prepare a good list. It might make downsizing a bit easier to cope with too as we have been thinking of that a lot lately. There were many homes in our neighborhood burned to the ground so we are very blessed.
I do have lots of sewing books that I have considered giving away. If your mother would like to have any ... down the road when she has a place for them again, let me know.
One of the first things that I put in the car was my 1950 Featherweight. And the wedding gown that I'm beading for a bride and the last coat for the Jousting Tournament that will still go on at Poway Rodeo Grounds this Saturday.
I'm so sorry to hear of these troubles, I will keep you in my prayers and the house too. I can't express my anquish I feel for your loss and all of the people in trouble out there. It's aweful and I wish I was a trillionnaire to help everyone. Really I do.
I can't help with your request but I just wanted to post my condolences to your mom on the loss of her house. We too were caught up in the fires. We were evacuated because of the Witch Creek fire as it went through San Pasqual Valley. Fortunately, our house was in no danger. We just were in limbo for 3 days. But we were able to return to our house yesterday.
Our deepest condolences on your mom's loss! I can't help with the Threads, as I read them in the public library, but I have family in San Diego who could deliver fabrics from my stash if your mom wants them. I have many cotton scraps and lengths of nice cottons, wools, and corduroys and many, many patterns that I'd be happy to give her. Let us know what she'd like, and I'm sure we can help in some way.
I am so sorry to hear about your mom's loss. We live in hurricane country and every time we are evacuated the first thing in the car is my sewing machines and computer. I don't have threads issues to offer but if your mom has an embroidery machine I can offer her a collection of designs. If you are interested e-mail me at [email protected]
Our prayers are with you.
so, so, sorry. I may have a few duplicates of threads, I'll check. I started building up my collection on rbay. you can often get 20 or 30 mags for very little money. that's how I got dups. Ialso would like to offer books, fabric, thread, a sewing basket i buy a lot on ebay and I believe i can help fix your Mom up, if she so desires. let me know! and the best to you and your entire family!
Thank you for all of your suggestions. I really appreciate all of your support and concern. I've gotten a few offers, and think I will look on ebay and the other sites many of you have suggested. Thank you all.
you know, it did occur to me that you mighgt ask the folks at tauton press and threads for help, it would be the right thing for them to about it tauton? can you help these folkkswith some back issues?
you know, it did occur to me that you might ask the folks at tauton press and threads for help, it would be the right thing for them to about it tauton? can you help these folks with some back issues?
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