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Conversational Threads

How do you post a photo?!

SewNancy | Posted in General Discussion on

Help!  I have tried posting photos several times and have had no luck.  There was a letter with the picture right in the text  and then photos as  attachements at the bottom.  I would love to be able to do both.



  1. carolfresia | | #1

    Nancy, I have your Chanel suit photo--would you like me to try to post it for you? Unless you're a different Nancy?!


    1. SewNancy | | #2

      Dear Carol,

      Yes, I would love it if you would post the Chanel suit, but I still would like to know how to post a photo as nothing I've done works. 

      Thanks, Nancy

      1. carolfresia | | #3

        Nancy, this is what I did:

        Start a new message. I type in the message first then scroll down to the purple "attach files" button. Click on that. Follow the step-by-step instructions in the window that appears--first, select the file using the browse button. Once you select the appropriate file, it should pop into the window.

        Next, click on the "upload" button. Now you have to wait a while. When the photo has been uploaded, the name of it will appear in the lower half of the window, to the left of the pie-chart. Occasionally I've been stymied at this point, when a picture simply doesn't seem to want to upload. I think it has to do with the traffic on the site and so forth--if I come back and try later, it works.

        Finally, click "done", and you'll return to your message. Click Post, and it should appear soon with the picture attached.

        Good luck, and let me know if you still have problems.


        1. SewNancy | | #4

          Dear Carol,

          When I clidk the attach file button nothing happens!  What do I do now?


          1. carolfresia | | #5

            Now that's odd. You mean the purple button at the bottom doesn't bring up a window with steps for attaching a photo? I don't know what you do now! Let me forward this message to our systems operator and see what he says. I wonder if you have some sort of software that blocks this function? Hmmm....puzzling.


          2. User avater
            SYSOP | | #6

            Hello Nancy,

            Can you tell me where in the process the operation fails? What happens when you click on the attach files button? Do you get the attach files screen? If not what happens? Do you have a personal firewall? Do you have Java Script enabled? With the answers to these questions I should be able to resolve the problem for you.


            If you would prefer to answer these question via email send it to [email protected] and I will respond via email.

This post is archived.

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