how to alter ladies trousers from size 56 to size 50.

I am altering a trouser pant. It is size 56. I need to make it size 50 ( I think).
the front measurement is 14inches. It needs to be 11 inches. The back is 19 inches. needs to be 14
inches. Please can anyone help?
That sounds like a lot smaller than a size 50. To really do it right I would take off the waistband and recut the crotch seam and inner leg seam. This way the side seam and pockets remain the same. You will probably be able to cut the crotch higher for a better fit. Pay close attention to keeping the straight of grain on the pant leg correct. If you were just taking in a little you might be able to get away with taking in a bit at the side seams, but I don't think that would work here. I once bought a pair of sweat pants in a 3X, cut them apart at the crotch through the waistband and recut them to a size 14. I still had the pockets and the length I needed.
how to alter ladies trousers from size 56 to size 50
Thanks. I am going to try it. Will let you know how it turned out.
how to alter ladies trousers from size 56 to size 50
Thanks. I tried it and it worked.
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