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Conversational Threads

How to draft a notch collar

patisews4fun | Posted in Patterns on


I am looking for help on drafting a notched collar. 

It is for a U-shaped neckline.  The collar ends at the corners of the U, does not extend into  the closure.  It is a 5 button down closure. 

Does anyone know a book I can read to help me?

Thank you.



  1. User avater
    Becky-book | | #1

    I am not quite sure I understand what you want to do...

    a 'notched collar' is usually on the front of a jacket.

    Did you see something you want to copy, can you post a pic of what you want?


    1. patisews4fun | | #5

      Please forgive my ignorance.  Yes, I want to copy this collar I saw on ready to wear. 

      It was very unusual and pretty.  Wish I could send a picture or sketch, unfortunately, I'm unable to.

      You're right a notch collar is normally not put on a U-shaped collar and when a collar is placed on it, it goes to the center of the jacket, this one does not. 

      Look at the U.  The collar ends on the left and right side of the U and does not meet at the center and has a gentle roll.  Does this help?   It is a unusual collar, one I've never seen before....  It looks like it's a 1 piece collar. 

      I've gone crazy looking in pattern books to see if I could find one, but no such luck.  It's a dinner suit I saw on the Neiman-Marcus site, earlier this year.  Unfortunately, I can't find it again.  I do have a picture of it, but don't have a scanner to e-mail it you for further help. 

      Thank you for your kindness and the Kwik Sew pattern number it is similar in shape, unfortunately it's not quite what I'm looking for

      Thank you all for your willingness to help.  It is greatly appreciated.


  2. FitnessNut | | #2

    As Becky-book asked, could you provide us with more information? Even a picture or sketch would help. A notched collar wouldn't go on a U shaped neckline - by definition, it needs a lapel/turnback such as on a jacket front.I'm sure if you can give us a better description of what it is you would like to draft, one of us can help.

  3. user-51823 | | #3

    glad it's not just me who's not clear on the question--
    are you saying that you want to creaTE a collar shaped like a standard jacket 2-section lapel, with one section going behind the neck and ending in boxy points, joined to a second section (on each side) with boxy points joined to it and then tapering down-- your change would be that it has to end on a U neckline, so the tapered end has to transition into the inside?
    if so, i would just make a standard neckline facing and sandwich the collar in. many shirt patterns would have a collar that would do...
    but yes, more info please

  4. Roznos | | #4

    A good pattern to use (one that I like) is Kwik Sew 3334.  It is fitted blouse and one view has a 'U' shaped collar and the other view has a notched collar.  I'm not sure if this is what you're looking for but it is a nice pattern and quite easy to alter (for fit).  I've made it up in demin for a light weight jacket and in a dressier fabric (which I can't remember at the moment) for a dressy top. I admire your willingness to draft a pattern - I shy away from that as much as possible and just look for a pattern that has the style I want.  Good luck!

  5. stitchintime | | #6

    Could you be thinking of a shawl collar? I think you could draft the shape you're looking for using a shawl collar as the base and modify the lapel part to your liking. Check out the online extra here on the Threads site to see if that helps.

    Edited 12/4/2006 2:11 am ET by stitchintime

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