I wonder if anybody out there can help me with this. I’ve just developed a line of handbags (sueboriginals.com) (shameful plug). Now I need to approach boutiques and stores about carrying them. My target market is a smaller boutique looking for every changing stock as the bags are individually done based on the fabrics that I find. My question: how do I approach the boutique. Is it best to just show up with some of the bags in the car, do I send a postcard mailing with pictures and the web address and tell them to contact me if they are interested? Making the bags was the easy part – the selling does not come naturally to me and I have no idea how to start.
Any help or quidance is appreciated.
One way to break in is by consignment. You need to consider that your product will be taking up store space, so if you have a clever display (e.g., simple wood stand w/pegs to hang the bags on, or a mobile), that might help.
If you plan to trek around cold-calling, you risk missing the person who can say yes, so some preliminary investigation would be advisable re owner, mgr, hours, etc.
Additionally, I’d suggest prowling shops that carry similar items. If, e.g., you see a set of black and white garments, your b/w bag might go perfectly (love it!)—use that as a selling point to the proprietor, or find the garment maker and approach her.
Have you googled on marketing crafts or some such phrase? I know there must be a lot of info out there. When many of my friends were doing their crafts, they went to flea markets and swap meets.
If you’re going to do a mass mailing (a photo postcard is a good idea, but might be expensive), expect that a 5% return rate (some calls or hits on your site) is good.
Are there any arts and crafts organizations in your area? Maybe you could network w/them. Good luck!
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