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Conversational Threads

How to order back issues

Kw4501 | Posted in Techniques on

I’m a subscriber (and Threads Insider) who absolutely loved your publications but did not receive the two most recent magazines (#212 and.#213) in the mail. Is there a way to purchase them ?

Kathy W


  1. duilawyernearme | | #1

    I was also looking for that.

  2. user-6927752 | | #2

    I was looking for hardcopy also

  3. User avater
    smcfarland | | #3

    Thank you so much for your interest in Threads. As of late 2020, The Taunton Press no longer offers individual back issues for sale through TauntonStore.com. The alternative I can think of is that you may find issues from private sellers on eBay or Etsy.
    - Sarah McFarland, Editorial Director

    1. user-5605870 | | #4

      I am in Australia and I did not receive similar issues. I advised Customer Service and finally they offered to send another copy which I also did not receive. On further questioning I was sent the address they sent it to. I discovered that they are not putting the Country on a fourth line as they should be so that the digital address readers cannot clearly see the Country of destination. Instead they are putting TOWN/CITY, STATE, POST CODE, AUSTRALIA all on the same line. In Australia, the post code must also be at the end of the third line so that it can be easily identified by the address reader. I have had non receipt of 3 issues so far. They suggest I download the digital copy. I can't read digital copies, mark it, put a postal note on the page I want to go back to, AND I have paid for printed copies. They have changed their addressing system and refuse to correct it. If I do not receive the next issue. I will be cancelling my subscription and expect to be given a refund of pre paid issues. Sarah McFarland, your customer Service needs to be upgraded.

      1. User avater
        smcfarland | | #5

        I am sorry that you experienced this problem. Our circulation and fulfillment manager is investigating your complaint now and will ensure customer service makes good on any missing issues. The subscription addresses go through postal review software to be sure they are correct. I regret that this was your experience with Threads, and we will solve it. - Sarah

      2. carolfresia | | #8

        We have been told by our carrier that shipping delays are linked to labor shortages and/or logistical issues related to COVID. Apparently, our usual airlift shipping has been obstructed, so all carriers are finding alternative methods. We hope you will be patient, and contact our customer service department with any further problems.

        Our customer service department notified us that they have reached out to you to discuss your particular situation.
        Carol Fresia, Threads Senior Technical Editor

  4. Marjade | | #6

    Are your issues changing into digital instead of hard-copy? If so when did it change? Just like the others, I also have not receive a hard-copy of your most recent issue.

    1. carolfresia | | #7

      Our issues are print and digital. If you are a print subscriber, you should continue to receive print issues.

      However, we have been told by our carrier that shipping delays are linked to labor shortages and/or logistical issues related to COVID. Apparently, our usual airlift shipping has been obstructed, so all carriers are finding alternative methods. We hope you will be patient, and contact our customer service department with any further problems.

      Carol Fresia, Threads Senior Technical Editor

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