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Conversational Threads

how to post photos.

memmem | Posted in General Discussion on

Hello all  one of my aims for this yearis to learn how to post photos on the forum . I am sure there are instructions somewhere and I am wondering if any of you can help me find them and whether you have any hints which might help a complete novice .


  1. jatman | | #1

    Hi Memmem! 

    To upload photos you need to start (or reply to) a message, after you have typed what you want there is a tab at the bottom of that screen (next to spell check) called attach files, click on that (it might take a few seconds for the window to open), once the window opens you can either type in the location of the file or browse for it on your computer.  Once you find it and have the location in the box, hit upload.  You can then repeat this until you have added all of the pictures you'd like then hit done and they should be added to your message.  Hope this helps you!


    1. solosmocker | | #2

      I am so glad I just learned this and I have posted here many times. Let's give it a try.

      1. jatman | | #5

        Hi Solosmocker!

        That is absolutely beautiful.  I've never seen anything quite like it.  Is that really made of gold wire?  Later today I will take a picture of a framed piece of antique lace that I bought in Belgium.  It's really pretty and you'll like the frame it's in.  Where did you get this piece of lace?

        Thank you for posting it!


        Edited 1/15/2007 12:50 am ET by jatman

      2. jatman | | #6

        Hi Solosmocker!

        Here is my framed lace.  I bought it framed so I don't really know much about how it was framed, however, it looks like it is mounted on a piece of black paper (probably acid free, or something that is easier on the lace than just construction paper).



        1. solosmocker | | #7

          That is very beautiful. Thanks for sharing. I have a great deal of antique lace I inherited in the early 70's from a great aunt who passed away in her mid 90's. She was a 'real" spinster, never having worked a day in her life. The family took care of her. Her one "job" which she volunteered for, was caring for the linens and garments at her church. I can recall as a child seeing vestments on priests that were ornate like this. I am blessed that I was given all these wonderful antiques. I love to go thru them now and then and just enjoy. Glad I could share it with you all. And yes it is real gold wire and very heavy and very fine.

          1. jatman | | #8

            Thanks for sharing yours.  It's exquisite.  And it's nice that it has a story to go along with it!


    2. solosmocker | | #3

      I am so glad it worked. That was really easy. You may all regret the day I learned this LOL! Just to let you know, it is a piece of antique lace I have made of the finest gold wire. It's appx 80 years old and I am told from liturgical vestments. I have quite a bit and will never put them on clothing. A friend recently suggested mounting it on velvet and having it framed, archivally of course, in a shadow box. If anyone has any other ideas on how to share these beautiful lace appliques, let me know. Thanks.

      1. Ralphetta | | #4

        That is exactly the kind of thing that used to grace the back cover of Threads.  Thank you for sharing it with us.

  2. solosmocker | | #9

    Here is a question I hope you or someone else can answer. Are we only tp post photos in the gallery? I know on other sites photos are often added when trying to show a technique or fabric or such. I don't see that being done here and was wondering why. Thanks for any enlightenment.

    1. Josefly | | #10

      I think it's great to see attachments in whatever topic the posting would go in - just my opinion, of course. I've seen sketches and photos here of fabrics, sewing techniques, etc., and they're pretty easy to identify since the "attachment" symbol shows beside the name of the thread in the topic list.

      1. solosmocker | | #11

        That's what makes sense to me. In the gallery I would expect to see completed garments or special textiles. If I wanted to illustrate a full bust adjustment, to me that would belong under the fitting board, how to use a special foot under equipment. Your point about the attachment sign is well taken and something that just wooshed thru this tired head. Thanks for pointing it out.

      2. Cherrypops | | #12

        The "attachment" symbol mentioned by Josefly above also provides many referrals to websites.


        1. Josefly | | #13

          Yes, you're right, it's no guarantee of photos.

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