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Conversational Threads

How to Remove Sequins from Wool Fabric?

baseballmom94 | Posted in Fabric and Trim on

I got a great deal on a wool pea coat with sequins yesterday..orginially $188 and marked down to $24.00.   It is a beautiful coat and was definitely an impulse buy but I really don’t know how often I would wear something like this..it would definitely be an evening jacket for me.  I was thinking that I would wear it all the time if I could remove the sequins.

The fabric is a boiled wool and the photo is below. Does anyone think that I could successfully remove the sequins (the are sewn on.)  I was going to try it on the inside fabric first to see how it would look.


  1. Pattiann42 | | #1

    Removing sequins

    I know of no other way than one at a time.  Wear the coat as is for a while, you may change your mind.

  2. HelgaPataki | | #2

    are they sewn or glued on?

    are the sequins sewn or glued on?  know that might help you better / give you more ideas.  can you check the underside of it?  is it a lined jacket? I just did a quick search on how to remove sequins.  if it is glued, some site recommended trying an exacto knife to scrap it off I guess.  So you say your garment is boiled wool, then if it is glued you won't have to worry that much about snagging the wool.  Sometimes if it is sewn on wth a type of chain stitch you can look for the lucky end and pull and it should all zip off, although I have never looked closely at sequins or a lot of sequins types I am only speculating.  it needs investigating.  good luck.

    1. baseballmom94 | | #3

      Thank you both for the advice.  The sequins are sewn on.  I'm going to attempt to take use a seam ripper to see how easily the sequins come off the coat.  That would be great if they were attached with a chain stitch but I'm just not sure.  The coat is lined so I will have to work from the front of the coat. 

  3. EmilyWood | | #4

    How to Remove Sequins from Wool Fabric?

    If the sequins cover most of the dress this wouldnt work...but if they are only on small portions then this will work.

    If you own a thread ripper it will break the thread the sequins are on (1 at a time) and get them off...then you have to slowly and gently pull out the trheead left behind that the sequin was on. Also of you dont own a thread ripper, take a pair of sissors and cut just below the sequin (1 at a time), then put the remaining thread out. This should work...but only if sequins dont cover most of the dress...or else the holes from the thread might show. I did this with a pair of pants and it worked...it takes time...but its worth it in the end.

    Wool Fabric

  4. bettinafurler | | #5

    Well, if you really want to remove all the sequins to this coat, your only option is to remove it manually. Like, you will remove it hand in hand only if the sequins is not glued. You can actually remove it.

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