Husqvarna 6370 Special sewing machine
My friend is thinking of buying a Husqvarna 6370 machine for occasional use to fix outdoor wear and tents. Can anyone speak to the quality of this machine? The seller is the second owner and bought it at an estate sale. She had it serviced about 5 months ago and was told that the mechanism where the cams are inserted is in good shape. She now wants a machine with a longer arm. Thanks!
Hi , I used to do outdoor projects, like huge storefront awnings, and was looking for a long arm industrial machine, and what a pain! I finally found one for $6000.00 but by then I was done taking abuse from a bully of a boss(Frank you know who you are)and left that job before purchasing the long arm machine.Any way for one of my first heavy duty projects, I purchased a Huskavarna and it served me well.It went thru jeans and leather pretty well. But finally stepped up to an industrial Phaff for real upholstery and it sews like butter !Happy Sewing . Susan
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