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I am trying to make a tie

thimble_ | Posted in The Archives on

dear all,

Hi there. I am trying to make my very first tie and would appreciate any and all advice anyone has. I am using two fabrics, one is a silk duppioni, and one is a shot taffeta. I am curious to know if anyone has made one and what difficulties they ran into. I am having trouble finding the right interlining for the tie, and have opted to try my first couple with a good quality hair canvas, coupled with an acetate lining.
if anyone has any good tips and trix…!


  1. Judy_Beaton | | #1

    Hi thimble,

    You are reminding me that one of the projects on my long list is to make ties. I just checked over some of DH's ties to see if I could come up with some pointers for you. These are really gorgeous designer ties (Bronzini, Dior, etc.) that he gets every Christmas from a company that he does business with. What I see is that the interlining is cut on the bias and that it is made from anything from soft thin wool to a medium linen. I didn't see anything as firm as hair canvas.

    The interlining does not come down the full length of the tie but stops about 2/3 of the way to the tip of the larger end. I think it is there to add some body in the area that makes up the knot.

    That's not much information, but I hope it helps.

    1. thimble_ | | #2

      *thanks Judy.I thought of using linen as well, but I didn't have any that was stable enough on hand. I think the hair canvas is too stiff as well...Thank you for your insights

      1. Ginna | | #3

        *I have not made ties but I did read about them on a mailing list. Someone there suggested buying old ties at thrift shops, garage sales or the like and using the interfacing from them for the new ties.

        1. Debra_Lancaster | | #4

          *There's a specific interfacing for ties made of woven wool, I think. It's called Armo Rite(R) and they carry it at JoAnn's. I've made ties with a pattern from Birch Street Clothing (www.birchstreetclothing.com) called the Seven-Fold Tie, and it works great. It's the only tie pattern I found that listed the specific interfacing.

          1. thimble_ | | #5

            *helllooooo again!So I have now made three ties, two out of silk duppioni, one from shot poly taffeta. I ended up making up my own tie pattern. It was easier than I thought. The reason I didn't copy an old tie , was the shaping was not right, i needed to have a tie which was wide at the tip and narrow at the knot. So I made the pattern myself, it was very easy. As for the interfacing...hair canvas on the bias, along with facing the self fabric with a light weight poly cotton broadcloth. I will honestly say that these ties are by far and away the BEST ties I have EVER owned or worn. I am so very impressed...i shall just have to make more of them!!!thanks for the suggestions!!!

          2. Judy_Beaton | | #6

            *High five Thimble!Thanks for telling us about your success. That's what we all like to hear and cheer!Good on you!

          3. KWertz | | #7

            *I have made four ties out of an African print cotton and they turned out beautifully. I just used a Simplicity or McCalls pattern and regular interfacing as called for in the pattern directions. It was a fun project and after the first one, a very simple project.

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