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Conversational Threads

I have become….

wlric | Posted in General Discussion on

The clerk in the quilt shop who always messes up the cash register.
I have taken a part time job at the local quilt shop. It seems I am unable to get through a shift without making at least one, usually more, errors. Before I had this job I would dread having to stand in line when clerks had to make corrections. Now I dread being the one making the corrections! 🙂 I intend to get better, but there’s no guarantee. Patience!


  1. User avater
    TwilaTee | | #1

    Ahh... RETAIL. I did it for 10 years. When I started I worked in a children's store. I had to balance the drawer with a 5 foot receipt that shot out of the register. I was ALWAYS off at least $5. We had a big bag of change to make up the difference. One time I batched the credit card machine twice! I totally can relate to your misery.Once, when I was working at a scrapbook store. We had a huge sale. EVERYTHING 50% off. I can't tell you the line we had. Out the door and up and down all the isles. That was a terrible day. All that negative stuff and the inevitable "I hope you have a great time at you're new job!" LoL! no really, you're going to get better, you're going to meet some great ladies whom share your love of fabric, but most importantly your stash is going to be HUGE! I'm jealous. I hope you get an employee discount! - Twila

  2. Teaf5 | | #2

    Your comments will help us to be more patient while we're standing in those lines. I worked retail--menswear-- for exactly one week; I had great sales but dreaded the cash register, even though it was one of those simple pre-computer ones. I was tremendously relieved to accept a job offer in my academic field that came at the end of that week because it meant I would never have to balance out my drawer!Ever since then, I have tremendous respect for anyone who can keep dollars and cents under control while interacting with chatty customers like me.

  3. wlric | | #3

    Thank you to both of the responses here. It is getting better, but on the days that I goof up it's hard to put it into perspective.

    1. jatman | | #4

      Personally, I will wait almost forever for someone to ring me up if they are being nice to me.  You can really screw up and as long as you have a smile on your face and nice things to say I don't think anyone really minds.

      Good luck - it gets better!  Just remember that no one ever learned something from doing it right the first time - you learn by messing it up.


      1. wlric | | #5

        Thanks. It does seem that all my mistakes are new ones. Something comes up that I missed on orientation or wasn't mentioned until I find out that I did it incorrectly. The owner of the store is very nice and has an abundance of patience. One of the reasons I don't mind going back each day. And I really love the fabrics, too. :)

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