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I Need 50mm Black Silk Satin Ribbon

georgegabriellecouture | Posted in Fabric and Trim on

Does anyone know any online supplier that carry this? I tried mjmtrim the other day, but got an email back today saying it was back ordered and will take about 4 – 5 weeks to ship, UGH! 🙁


  1. woodruff | | #1

    Here's the google page that came up when I typed in 50mm silk ribbon:http://www.google.com/search?source=ig&hl=enrlz=1G1GGLQ_ENUS289&q=50mm+silk+ribbon&btnG=Google+Search&aq=foq=Good hunting!

  2. lou19 | | #2

    I tried all local shops and usual UK suppliers for a pink lace and sequin trim for a bridesmaids dress. No luck finding what I wanted.

    I've made bridal wear for 20 years so had long list of contacts.

    Eventually decided to try e.bay and found exactly what the customer and I were looking for at a really reasonable price!!!!!!!!!

    Why not give e.bay a try?

  3. cafms | | #3

    Did you find your ribbon?  I happened on this site http://www.hartsfabric.com/black-double-faced-silk-satin-ribbon.html and thought I remebered someone needing black silk ribbon here.  This store is in Califonia.  I have not ordered anything from them so can't say how they are for that.  They do have some interesting fabrics so may give them a try.

    1. Teaf5 | | #4

      Thank you for posting the link to that fabric store in Santa Cruz.  I bought trim for my wedding dress and fabric for my bridesmaids' dresses there in 1977  but haven't been back since I moved farther away.  Now I have a reason to visit that part of the coast again!

      1. Ceeayche | | #6

        I was born and raised in CA (albeit Southern CA) and now live 3,000 miles away in Northern VA!

  4. Tessmart | | #5

    jkmribbon.com has a large and varied supply of silk ribbons.


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