This is what I have been working on the past few months..
Except for the two piece outfit the rest were gifts. Before I started taking photos of what I made, I kept thinking I hadn’t made anything lately.
I was glad to get the two piece outfit done, the fabric had been around for a couple of years. I didn’t want to cut into it, I think it was fear of making a mistake I couldn’t correct. Originally I was going to put embroidery on the neckline, but I didn’t finish it until December and I had planned on autumn embroidery. The color of the outfit is rust, in my pc it shows up as almost reddish-pink.
Hi Jane!
Those are wonderful! You have been busy! I just love the little sandal outfit! The embroidery is adorable! I bet the recipients of your work felt very lucky this year!
Nice job!
Edited 1/15/2007 12:58 am ET by jatman
JT, those are my summer pajamas, I forgot I made those for me. I am not happy with the way the top came out. The fabric does not hold its shape well. And that is now, when it is new, I can't wait to see what it is like by summer. Hopefully I will make another top. I still have lots of the flip-flop fabric left, so I will have to come up with something else to make. Do you think my grown daughters would go for matching pajamas with mom...LOLI need to figure out how to know what size the picture will be before it is put out on the site. j
Edited 1/15/2007 3:14 am ET by ctirish
Just a quick tip... if you change the name of the file before you attach it, the tags are more meaningful to the viewer.
That's a great tip. I hope I remember it when I post pics.Marcy
Busy, busy, busy. You go! I like the cat wall hanging. So cute.Marcy
Wow, Jane, you are prolific! And you do a very nice job. Good photos. Please let me know if you find out how to control the picture size, etc.Joan
The viewer controls the size by RIGHT-clicking on the link and selecting "Open in a new window".
Thanks, Becky. I was trying to find out how to control the size when sending the photo. I have a lap-top and can command-click to open in a new page, but the photos are still as large as before, and I can't really see the whole photo at one glance. I must be missing something - I'm not as computer-savvy as I wish I were - and I don't know how to reduce the size of the photos, even in a new page. Luckily, my photos were small size when I took them with my icam.About to start on my pants-fitting. How're you doing?
I have a Dell desk top computer and Windows Explorer; when I open a new window it opens as less than full screen. Maybe there is a setting in your computer to control new page size? (My husband and son set all the 'bells & whistles' on this machine, then let me use it sometimes!)
I bought some lovely green cloth for an A-line skirt to motivate me to work on fitting my skirt pattern. I figure a skirt will be an easier starting point than pants, less curves to get right!!
I have 2 weeks to finish a Friendship Quilt wall hanging for our Pastoral Intern & family. The young man has been part of our congregation for several years and the Wife is the Senior pastor's daughter!! They are moving to go to seminary for more training. Sure will miss them!
I remember you're working on a quilt. I know it will be prized. A skirt sounds like a good way to go; you can use all the information you get fitting it when you start on pants.
Wonderful gifts JaneWow you are going to look incredible in your summer pjs!! I love pjsConnie
Thank you, it was so warm before Christmas I wore them...but now I am sleeping in turtlenecks. The cold weather came quick.
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