I’m only 14 and new at sewing… help!!!

Er… I’m kinda new at sewing… as in i just got my first sewing machine today. I have messed around with them in school but other than that I have no idea what I’m doing. So my question is: when I’m cutting out the pattern on the fabric do I pin and cut it out on the side I want to show or the back side?
Thanks ^_^
Congratulations on the new machine, Ash!
Your pattern is printed face up. Lay it face up on the right side of the fabric when you cut out the fabric, and pin in place.
You'll note that many garment pieces require that you "cut two"...this is so you'll have a right side and a left side. You'll want to have the fabric folded in half so that you can cut two layers at once; be sure the fabric is wrong sides together when folded, so you'll have two symmetrical pieces.
Enjoy your sewing! You're in for a grand adventure:)
Thanks so much! I'm making an old corset and petticoat in red and black for the next school dance so I can't wait to get started! And again thank you ^_^.
Let me add my welcome to you, too! Come back any time, there are lots of us here to help. And no question is too silly to ask.
have lots of fun . I think that getting a sewing book like the Vogue sewing book and just reading it is really useful. It just helps to get concepts in and then start with an easy pattern and make it up a couple of times and then progress o to something harder and so on . You will really learn alot and soon be able to change patterns and be more independently creative.
Congratulations Ash. Welcome to the world of sewing and all of it's possibilities. I am curious as to what machine you recieved as I happen to collect old and new machines. I work with a lot of different types of machines as well so if there is ever any question no matter how silly it might seem just ask. There are so many wonderful sewers on this forum and so much information, please stop by anytime and let us know how the projects are going.
I was so pleased to read your note and encourage you to continue. Many years ago I started sewing at your age and during my 16th summer took a course and made a lined suit for myself. I was so proud and still am for that matter. I continued and made prom gowns for my daughters and now working on grandchildren projects.
When cutting out your pattern leave the material folded with the right side facing you. Put all your pattern pieces pinned on the material and make any adjustments to sizing for your length, bust size or hip size; mark with a chalk or dressmakers markers. The results will be a right sleeve along with a left sleeve and pieces that require placement on a fold. Do continue, you will be so happy you did.
Congratulations! Wait until you see all the possibilites. I am so excited for you. At 14 I had done a tailored coat, fur lined parka, and more. I started at ten! I wish the same passion for you. My advice is to read your pattern thouroughly cover to cover, before cutting or laying out anything. Your pattern should supply you with a fabric layout. There will be a legend showing which sides are right or wrong facing. The cutting layout will also instruct you as to folding needs and directions of your pattern pieces. Follow this closely. This will keep you in line with the CARDINAL RULE OF SEWING: Always follow the grain line arrows on your pattern pieces, lining them up with the grain of the fabric. Time spent being careful at this stage will make your final result professional and pretty. Good luck and please come back for any questions you may have. We need more like you!
It's great that you are starting to sew, but I think the project you chose for your first time is a little advanced. I know you might not have time to do something more simple first, but it's always good to start with a simple pattern, and material that does no "squiggle" around, something like flannel or cotton.
I started sewing in 4H when I was 10, and won a purple ribbon (Grand Champion) at the County Fair on my very first dress! I've been sewing ever since, and made my own and my two daughters' wedding dresses. This past fall I started teaching my 12 yr. old granddaughter to sew, and she made pair of flannel PJ pants that turned out perfect.
I hope you enjoy sewing and keep it up. It is a great way to entertain yourself as well as make original and unique things.
Dear Ash: If you live in the USA, every state University has what is called Cooperative Extension Service. These are the people that among other things sponsor 4-H. Extension Service Agents offer advice on lots of things, including sewing. Often, they offer free beginner sewing courses, and also they have booklets that offer good instruction. This service is already paid for with our tax dollars. Just google your state government, then the university, then cooperative extension service. God bless you as you sew. Galey
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