Hello there,
I wonder if anybody could give me a hint on how to obtain a copy of “The Art of Fitting Gentlemen’s Garments” by Reuben Sytner?
This is an out of print book. I have searched far and wide with no success. Since my life is tailoring nowadays, I am in desperate need of this great, old book.
Thank you very much and happy stitching,
Reply to A.J. 9search for tailoring book)
I get a lot of use out of "Altering Men's Ready to Wear by Mary A Roehr. Itt even has a suggested price list.
She has one for the gals, too
Good Luck.
Carolyn Eichner
*AJ, have you tried the out-of-print booksellers? I think I posted my list somewhere else here on Gatherings, but I'm not sure where. Some good bookstores will search for an out-of-print book for you for a small fee, then let you know when they find it; depending on the price, you can take it or not. One store that did offer this service (I haven't done it lately) is Wordsworth Books in Harvard Square (Boston area); call them at 800-899-2202, or visit http://www.wordsworth.com.You can also try Hard-To-Find Needlework Books at 617-969-0942. Bette Feinstein is very helpful and has thousands of books, including sewing machine manuals, out-of-print books, etc. Also on the web at http://www.needleworkbooks.com.
Try http://www.abebooks.com for used and out of print books
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