I agree with # 360.23. My concern is that this may be the begining of the elimination of the
printed bi-monthly Threads magazine. I refer to mine regularly and share them with daughters as I have every issue to date.
I do like that format although it is considered out-dated in this e-speed world.
I find the printed page easier to use.
My laptop doesn't fit next to my machine. And the work lights glare on the screen anyway when I do manage to find a spot for it. I'd have that same problem with a tablet if I had one. A printed magazine, I can lay on top of fabric or under the scissors, fold it up with the page bookmarked (and it's faster to flip to the bookmark than going back to the page on the laptop), copy the page easier than printing out the page on the laptop, toss it aside as needed without stopping, etc. Heck, I can even take it into the bathroom to soak in the tub without fear of electrocuting myself if it falls into the water. And the printed magazine is way more portable to read at the orthodontist's office while waiting for my son's appointment to finish.
how about downloading with your cell phone and reading it from there?
Nope; no smart phone.
I only have a basic phone. I can make calls and that's it. In fact, I wouldn't have a cell phone at all if my one of my dds hadn't gotten tired of not being able to call me when I'm not at home or when I'm babysitting at her house. All of my dds ( I have 3, 2 with children) only have cell phones, no land lines, so when I'm babysitting, I'm without a phone unless one of them leaves hers. And teaches me how to use it. What can I say--I like hard copy, especially books.
The Threads Insider membership is only meant to enhance the Threads experience. We have no plans to discontinue publishing our print magazine. In fact, we have lots of great issues planned for the coming year.
In the print magazine we are limited by the number of pages, but on the web we can grow and share interactive content and video. Threads Insider is an opportunity for us to share even more of the great sewing content you love.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you,
Victoria North
Senior Web Producer
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