Hi, All
Does anyone have suggestions for property and liability insurance for a small home sewing business. I can’t get it from my personal company b/c they do not cater to small business and it’s too expensive. I tried researching on the net but it is so overwelming that I thought I’d try here and sewingworld to see if any of you have experience with this. Thanks.
When I had my home-based business, I was able to get a "rider" to my home-owners policy. (It added a mere $22/year to my premium.) Are you sure your ins company won't do it this way for you? It could be a communication problem - perhaps the way the question was phrased? I would have another chat with my ins company before giving up. Best of luck to you.
*Hi, Stephanie. Thank you much for the suggestion. It has been quite awhile since I spoke with them. It couldn't hurt to try again anyway.
*I also have additional ins. added to my home policy. We have coverage for customers injuries like if they fall on my front steps etc.
*Thanks for your reply Paula. I still didn't get the chance to call them again. It's on my list but I am really busy this week! Still, I think that the lowest coverage rider they had was $500/year. And considering what I make, that's a big chunk!thanks again!
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