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Conversational Threads

Introducing Myself

TwilaB | Posted in General Discussion on

Hello Everyone,
My name is Twila, and I love sewing. Any kind: clothing, quilting, home decorating, bags and accessories. When I started learning to sew, probably before age 10, I recall my father coming into the room and telling my Mother, “Don’t let her do that, she’ll put a needle through her finger!”. I remember thinking, “Now why would I do that?”. It was not until about two years ago that I actually put a needle through my finger while learning to free-motion stitch a quilt. I make most of my own clothes, with the exception of my jeans. Mostly I make my own in order to get the sleeve fit and hem length I want, as well as choosing my own fabrics and colors. I love fabrics, too. Actually, I need to get off this computer and go back to sewing a linen shirt I need for work.


  1. mygaley | | #1

    Welcome Twila--it seems daddy was right. LOL My mom was right also about two years ago I cut myself on a sharp knife in the dishwater.  Galey

    1. MarshaK | | #2

      I always hated doing dishes at my grandparents-in-laws as someone always would throw a batch of knives into the sink when I wasn't watching. I always put the knives in separately and actually count how many go in and how many come out. Now of course everyone has a dishwasher (except me) so there are no more surprises in the water. Well not in the dishwater anyhow! So far I have managed not to sew through my fingers, I'm almost passing out at the mental image.


  2. Katcleland | | #3

    HI Twila and everyone else.

    I am very new at this whole chat thing.  I have used my computer for years but never searched out any sewing chat groups and one day I just thought I would give it a go and here I am.  I have been sewing since I was about 12.  I have had a keen interest in Heirloom work, realizing it was just not practical to invest time in it for every day wear and tear not only for my children but also for myself.  I have just recently been told I will be a Nana in January so I have a new inspiration for sewing.

    I hope to chat with some of you all over the next little while as I investigate this world of internet chat.  I live in Canada in Prince Edward Island originally from Toronto but have been here for most of my marriage, we run a business so this little piece of green in the Atlantic is home now.  Are there any other Canadians out there and anyone who has been here to this lovely place on earth?

    Off I go.



    1. LynnP | | #4

      Hi Kat--

      I'm Canadian, but we have been living in the Washington D.C. area for the last two years (my husband is Canadian military and was posted here July 2004).  I haven't been to P.E.I. since I was 12 or 13 and our family used to go on camping trips to the Maritimes, but the Island is truly a beautiful place.  We have two children--a son  who is 23 and just graduated from the Royal Military College AND married this past May and a daughter who will be 22 in August and is just finishing a semester In England at the university in Reading before coming back to Canada for her last year at the University of Ottawa.  I'm not working here in the U.S. (was a med lab tech in Ottawa before the last move) and now have lots of time to quilt, smock and sew.  I joined a quilt guild and a smocking group here--I love heirloom sewing as well and took an intro class in Ottawa in the early 90s.  Congratulations on becoming a Nana--there are so many things you can make for the new baby!  I'm going to Martha Pullen's school in Alabama this July--I can hardly wait as this is something I have wanted to do for years, but job, finances, etc. always came up.  I signed up for the Babylock school--you can take a look at the website to read a description.  I'll be doing a lady's Victorian blouse, a velvet pintuck pillow, sewing accessory holder and a baby dress, so it's not all for little ones!  Our son and new daughter-in-law are in Halifax, so we hope to go see them soon and tour the Maritimes.



      1. Katcleland | | #5

        Wow I hope one day to take one of Martha Pullens classes too.  I also took an introductory class or two yes it would be back in the 90's. . .dear that seems so long ago, but yet it doesn't feel that long ago.

        I have a married son in Truro Nova Scotia he is a youth Pastor and loves it he says it keeps him young.

        I have a daughter married as well and she and her husband work for us in our farm company Linkletter Farms.

        Our youngest son is just recently married and he is trying out the family work for now he would love to counsel people and is not sure about going on for his Masters, they are the couple making us new first time through grandparents.  His lovely wife is also from Nova Scotia.

        I know you will have an amazing time at Martha Pullens School.  I would love to be going but we have a wedding in Prince George that very week.

        I hope we chat again,

        Edited 6/23/2006 3:31 pm ET by Katcleland

    2. Hoodlum | | #6


      I'm Kim from the UK but YES I visited Toronto about 4 years ago with my daughter.

      We went to all the usual touristy places, it was a gay pride weekend ( a surprise to us, but the people were loveley!) and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. I was really sad that some of  the guys seemed to be better at wearing heels than me!

      I have sewed (sewn?) since I was very small - about 6 I think. I started by using my mothers scraps to make dolls clothes and now sew professionally having done a City and Guilds fashion qualification. I have been working since 2000 at almost anything that I have been asked to sew but have spent alot of time doing alterations for an expensive ladies dress store. I have really enjoyed being allowed to get inside all the wonderful garments to see the latest commercial methods - very helpful!

      I love the sewing but occasionally find the clients challenging! (How many others feel the same way?)  I think my most surprising comment from a client having just finished her jacket ( in fabric supplied by her) and feeling quite pleased with the fit and finish was "I'm not sure about the colour" - do they think we have magic wands!?!

      Enjoy your city (and sewing!)

      Best wishes


      Edited 6/24/2006 4:03 pm ET by Hoodlum

    3. TwilaB | | #7

      Hello Kat,
      I've been away from this BB for a bit while recovering from a personal tragedy, but I just read your post. The place you live sounds like a beautiful place! I would bet you don't have the traffic problems we have here! I've been trying to regain my enthusiasm for sewing, and I think it's starting to happen. I've seen some exciting patterns in the Nov. 2006 Threads magazine, and I've lost some weight, so I have a new interest in making more current items. Actually, I think that some of the newer fashions are so ridiculous, but I'm trying to keep an open mind. I'm in the middle of piecing a quilt for my niece, who has already started college this past week. I had intended to have it ready for her last week, but she'll have to be OK with getting it before the snow falls. What I really want to do is sew clothes for myself that are fun and actually fit. I submitted a quilted jacket into the 2003 Hoffman Challenge, and though it did not place, it was chosen to be in the travelling trunk for a year. It was fun to make, and looks funky, but I'm afraid to wear it. But clothes like this would be where I'm trying to go with my sewing. One of a kind, something toward art-to-wear without being too much so.I hope you're enjoying your craft.Twila

      1. thehat | | #8

        to introduce my self  ilove hats and I love  to have a good time I sew a nice looking hat to get back in the swing of things  I set up my sewing machine and cleaned it  and then you  you have to try it out and then you are hooked  I live in an old house and I don`t like the up stairs it is so far away fron everything so I comandureda spot in my dinning room  every body is so busy that no body stops in  and thhe kids are all moved out so I made it easier and left a room up stairs for fabric

        1. Tangent | | #9

          Hi, I'm new here too, and have had a great time surfing through the questions and answers.  It's interesting to see how different people tackle the same problem, and friendliness of the comments.  I have seen forums on other topics -politics in particular- where the chats degenerate into sniping-matches.  Not so here, we are sharing our ideas and experinces, and happy to welcome newcomers to the group.  So, how many years have you been sewing?  I think about 50 for me, I can't recall just when I started. I've done all sorts of sewing, from doll dresses to tents.



          1. ayelean | | #11

            This is my first post on this forum. I'm familiar with posting but have always posted on forums that deal with unsolved crime. That is probably a strange hobby but it is really interesting. You learn so much about a case that you would never learn from reading the news or watching TV. I have a grand daughter in her senior year of high school and have been teaching her some sewing skills before she is off to college. We started with hand sewing and it is time to move up to the machine. I got my machine out last night and it won't operate. It never was a great machine. I bought it almost 50 years ago (Singer) and used it a lot for the first 20 years. Then went for a long time not using it at all. I had it serviced a long time ago and the repair guy told me that it was a model Singer was not proud of making. It has some plastic parts that can't be changed. The problem was 'bird nests' that happened when I would be going at a good clip. I continued to use it, just going slower, and put it away. Now I don't think it is worth taking care of this latest snafu. I may take the bottom off and look for a broken belt or something obvious. It is getting power to the hand wheel but no action on the left side where the sewing mechanism is. I guess I am in the market for a new one. I was researching new machines and came upon this site. I don't want a fancy shmancy machine, so I was considering the least expensive Singer on the Joann fabric site for $199. I see they have long warrenty periods and since I am 70+ I think it would be wise to buy it in my grand daughter's name. I would buy a used one if I could be sure I wasn't getting someone else's junk.

            I guess I am asking for advise and opinions. I haven't read much on this forum, but what I have read it sounds like a helpful friendly group.

            Thanx, Ayelean



          2. MaryinColorado | | #12

            Welcome to the forum!  It is so great of you to teach your grand daughter to sew!  I think if you go to patternreview.com they compare sewing machines there.  Also here in the archives.  Good luck on your journey!  I hope you will find a nice solid machine.  I have owned Necchi, Singer, Janome, and Viking..so far, I love the Husqvarna/Vikings the best!    I think you will be pleased with the newer machines, buttonholes and such are so much easier to do.

            I would love to know about the websites you mentioned.  Have a friend in college studying criminal justice.  Also I love that kind of thing!  I have to be careful when watching crime shows on tv not to tell DH what I think the outcome will be.  Sometimes I am right and that drives him crazy! Mary

          3. ayelean | | #13

            Thanks for the welcome Mary. The forum I posted on the most was exactly the same format as this one, so I didn't have a difficult learning curve to adjust to this one. The one I liked best was a Delphi forum, of which they have over a hundred topics, the specific one for me is Purgatory. There were more in the past but discussions become heated and because of the topics there is the possibility of posters that come to break up the discussion. It takes a good moderator to keep things going smoothly. For me it started with the JonBenet case. About a year ago I felt like I knew and said about as much as I could about it, so I took a vacation until this latest information stirred up the discussion. I have strong feelings on that case, as well as some other cases, and this latest bump in the road was exactly that. Something put out there to make the public believe in the possibility of an intruder. When you know all the characters in the case, and behind the case,  it is revealing to see who is sticking together and who causes the knee jerk reactions.


            My granddaughter is so busy this senior year I will be lucky to have her attention long enough to even show her how the machine works. Her mother, my daughter never had a desire to learn but I think interests skip generations. She is more like me in what she wants to do.

          4. krin | | #14

            I am new this this forum too..

            I have been sewing for 40 years.

            I have been in business for many years sewing home decor items for customers.

            I have been teaching how to sew slipcovers and for the home for the past 7years.

            I welcome this forum, as it helps me to know what others want to learn when they are sewing for their home.

            I also may be of some help with tips and trick  for those sewing for their homes.

            Look forward in sharing with you all.



          5. ayelean | | #15

            Nice to meet you Krin. I was just thinking, the first thing I am going to tackle when I get a new machine is making a neat slip cover for our living room sofa. There is nothing wrong with this sleeper sofa except it is a little out dated. We still need it for a sleeper but tired of the pattern. I used to sew a lot but have been on a long hiatus. I was mentally considering cording, color, type of fabric. Do you have any suggestions. I tend to be contempory and the present fabric is a faded grey/blue with a large calla lily. It has straight lines with seat and back cushions, and two roll cushions to use by the arms. I am leaning toward a deep wine/cranberry color that is repeated in the area rug as a circle on a geometric pattern. We hardly use the room but it is the first thing a visitor sees coming in the front door and foyer. I think I like that ultra suede fabric. It that fabric difficult to sew?



          6. krin | | #16

            Do you mean micro fiber?  Ultra suede does not really make a good slipcover.  The new micro fiber fabrics are super however.  They feel like suede cloth but are actually a knit on the back side.  It is all polyester, so it is washable, though most of my customers simply have to wipe it off with a damp cloth.

            Folks who have animals love the stuff as animal hair does not penetrate the fabric.

            If you have straight lines to your furniture it will work well.  I have used it on many sofas and chairs.  T pins will not go into the fabric easily, so we use glass head pins when pining.

            Hope this helps




          7. ayelean | | #17

            Yes that is what I meant. I had no idea that it is actually a knit background. That sounds even better. No animals but I love the feel of the fabric. Thank you very much for the info.


          8. thehat | | #19

            their are a lot of machines  one I have is a jenoe jem gold it is a nice little traveler and it coast me 289.00 and if you go to   wal-mart they not so bad  it depends on what you are looking for  my jem is a supper simple and the I have a machine that is an elna and that is  computer so I hope this helps

          9. ayelean | | #20

            Thank you, I am still evaluating so all suggestions are welcome.

        2. TwilaB | | #10

          Hello, Making hats sounds like such a cool thing to do. I never thought of doing that. Are they soft hats? I guess you could get exactly the right fit. I'd love to see one of your hats!

          1. thehat | | #18

            I made a hat to go with this out fit that was purple with a white plume that hat was soft and fun to ware  I love long dresses that  are loonger then the floor  I would like to sew a few pairs of golves to go with the dresses and learn how to make shoes I seen  an ad in the back of the mag and it sounded like it would be fun to learn  now i will tell you that I am 50 years and a grandma of three  2girls and a new baby boy I am going to try rug weaving  . I started a painting today and nnow I have to let it dry so tomarrow I can start my table runner it has acorns and oak leaves  no squirrl just the nuts

This post is archived.

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