Introducing myself/Where’s the fabric

Hi, I am venturing back to sewing after years as an addicted knitter. Still knitting, but I am getting very interested in sewing again, particularly the idea of making my own clothes. Years of struggle with knitting taught me to enjoy the process, not just the results, and also taught me some cold hard facts about fit, careful work, and all that good stuff that goes in happy results. And I am SO glad I thought to check here for a forum like these. But… where the heck is all the fabric???? I learned to knit because I adored yarn, and am branching out to other fiber arts because I am still fascinated with fiber. But while I don’t want to work with most of what is available at places like JoAnns, I can’t find great fabric! I am pretty good at searching the web, but am having no luck. So where do you all find gorgeous/interesting wools, rayons, linens, etc. All I can find are quilt cottons (interesting ones, but…)
Found a great discussion on good shops in the Fabrics section! I have already bookmarked all the sites mentioned. This is great!
The great fabric is in NYC garment district. My sewing club takes a bus trip there every year and it is fabulous. Stores and stores of goodies everywhere. Also Sandra Betzina made a map a few years ago with great places all over the US to stop at. I always check it out before travelling anywhere to make sure I don't miss a thing!
Is Betzina's map available on the internet or for sale in print?
The Sewer's Guide to New York City map for download at the Threads webpage looks pretty good and might do. The link is on the right side of the page,a little low and easy to miss.
I was interested in the whole US map, does that exist?
That is probably the Sandra Betzina one people are talking about and I am not familiar with that one, so sorry. I keep fantasizing about putting one together from all the info here on the forum and putting it online. There have been so many great fabric stores mentioned here over time!
The map is still available for $2. How great is that? I don't know if it is outdated or not though.
Sandra Betzina
Power Sewing
95 Fifth Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94118
415-386-0440 phone
415-386-0441 fax
[email protected]
Thanks for the info, much appreciated.
Good point about New York. Think I'll go visit my sister (a Manhattanite) and stock up!Rob
There are some great websites for fabricsamples. Try They are owned by Paron Fabrics in NYC,I have shopped there for at least 20 years. They will also send very nice samples if you want to see it in person. Recently ordered from the site and service is very quickl. They also don't tack on a handling charge.
Edited 1/29/2005 1:20 pm ET by Nancy
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