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Conversational Threads


user-192235 | Posted in General Discussion on

Just joined and wanted to introduce myself and say hello. I sew, do machine embroidery and hand embroidery. I am a long-time fan of THREADS mag. In fact, since the very first issue.



  1. lindamaries | | #1

    Hello Fran...

    I'm fairly new to this discussion too. Just this past summer.

    I was totally busy in August, but now have a few days to loaf and

    play with the computer.

    You've been reading Threads since the beginning?!?!?

    How do you organize all that knowledge in them so you can remember.

    I've been trying to think of a good way to remember what I've read.

    I'd like to be able to use them for reference for when I have a problem or a question. Say I had a problem with a zipper, I would know where, in what issue to look up the answer.

    What do you do?

    1. Jean | | #2

      On the main page of Threads Online under the heading of About the Magazine you'll find the topic 'magazine index'.

      Either type in your topic or follow their alphabetical list of topics and you'll easily find the issue and page number of the article you are looking for.

      1. user-192235 | | #4

        Thanks for the great information. I was not aware of this online index. I always get distracted if I'm looking through my collection of Threads trying to find an article. Fun but time consuming. Thanks again.

    2. user-192235 | | #3

      I keep them in cases (one for each year) in my sewing room. I often flag articles or projects that interest me when I am reading the new issue. (These hard plastic magazine cases are available at discount stores, Sams, office supply stores). I was not aware that Threads had an index on their site. But now that I know, life just got easier. Thanks!!! Jean. Also flag embroidery and needlepoint project for my "to do some day" list. Maybe in a million more years I'll have them all done.


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