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Conversational Threads

“Introductory Offer” for 10yr Subscriber

midnitesewer | Posted in Feedback on Threads on

I was surprised to get an “introductory offer” to subscribe to Threads in the mail yesterday. If I sign up I get 6 issues for $32.95 and a free gift. I like the gift. It’s a laminated reference card that I can use while fabric shopping. There’s just one problem. I’ve been a faithful subscriber for over 10 years. Has something like this happened to anyone else?

Edited 1/20/2006 4:56 pm ET by midnitesewer


  1. KarenW | | #1

    It sounds like your name was gleaned from another mailing list where perhaps it didn't match up exactly to your subscriber record and wasn't purged.  Typically a publisher/mailer will run all their new mailing lists for a promotion against their current customer file so that this doesn't happen, but when you're talking about tens or hundreds of thousands of records, occasionally something like this can happen!

    1. midnitesewer | | #2

      I figured that they had bought my information. The name and address on the offer letter match up exactly with the name and address my mailing label.

      The offer itself was interesting. The magazine is definitely beeing marketed as mostly how-to. Not just how-to, but how-to get something done quickly. I don't think that we'll be seeing  any more of the articles showing couture techniques or the ones featuring the work of innovative designers. I just wish that the editors could find a better balance of features for both beginners and experienced sewers.  I'm sticking with my subscription, but I find very little inspiration in Threads anymore. I don't read it from cover to cover like I used to do. One can always hope.

      1. AmberE | | #3

        We are definitley working on getting the couture sewing and the designer/industry secrets into the issue, so don't give up hope yet.  I plan to address this ongoing concern in a substantial way. I also encourage you to submit ideas to us---we are "reader-written" and are always looking for new authors. Send it to my attention with a note that I asked you to do so.

        I do believe that there are several "Threads" lists floating around, and I will pass this on to our promo  dept. I find it very concerning that you are getting these offers. Also, just want you dedicated readers all to know that I think of and value you everyday---even if we aren't sending you gifts! But perhaps my biggest gift would be a commitment to deliver the content that you'll treasure!

        Have a great weekend and thanks for writing in.

        Amber EdenEditor, Threads


        1. zuwena | | #4

          The only thing I find disturbing in this response is that you did not address the "mailing label" issue. Does Threads sell the names and address of subscribers? In this time of identity theft, companies need to cease this practice or advise subscribers that it will do so and give them the choice to opt out of such a practice. In case I'm not clear, my recommendation is that Threads review its policies and practices in this regard and modify them accordingly. Thanks. Zuwena

          1. AmberE | | #7

            I don't believe that they do sell lists, but rather cull lists from the books and magazine depts. But I would suggest that you write to customer service to state your wishes and direct questions of this nature, as that is the correct and official channel to get your request through to the correct department. I echo your concern and as I learn more about this I'll pass on what I hear. Thanks for writing in.

        2. midnitesewer | | #5

          I recently got another "introductory offer" letter. My subscription doesn't run out until mid 2008.

          I do have ideas for articles that I'd like to see in the magazine, but I don't have the time to research and write any. Maybe someday I'll have a more manageable schedule.

          I must compliment you, Amber, the content of the magazine is getting more interesting.  I'm back to reading the whole magazie again. The mix of beginner, intermediate, and advanced articles is improving. Keep up the good work.

          1. AmberE | | #6

            Thanks and when you are ready to send in a proposal--we'll be here!

This post is archived.

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