Well, I finally got my answer to whether anyone was really gathering data on all our feedback. Issue 114 is truely amazing to one who has been actively participating in this forum.
Thank you, thank you for listening to all of us, and producing an issue that really responds to the majority of thinking.
Please! Enlighten us!! Mine hasn't arrived. I too am among those who were contemplating entering a garment in the Inspired by... contest but am afraid I won't be as happy with what I've done so far if I find something in the new issue I like better! I also went to the website to read table of contents and see there's another article by Fred Blobaum on shawl collars, can you tell us how this differs from the article she did earlier this year/late last (sorry, can't remember which issue it was).
Fred's shawl collar article was abt the only one I had no interest in!
Basics addressed perfect machine-made buttonholes and how to do it.
Questions showed how measuring men is different than women.
Fabrications showed 3 variations on a vest and was the best yet, IMHO.
Also, "The Ultimate Guide To Sewing Pull-on Knit Pants" was excellent as was 5 steps to perfect pants by Peggy Sagers.
Then a whole article on choosing the right kind of thread for anything in your project and caring for thread.
Plus a few others. For anyone who closely followed our discussions here, I think our concerns were REALLY addressed.
Thanks again, THREADS,
Wow, a lovely, inventive issue, like the Threads of old! There's an article on how to make lace on netting, using a zigzag machine and water-soluble stabilizer; how to fit a pants muslin, by Peggy Sagers; terrific, complete information on various types of sewing threads; an article on reshaping a shawl collar in various ways, like giving it a petal edge or turning it into a sailor collar or a draped shape; a detailed article on matching and arranging stripes for decorative effect--all in all, just tremendously rich and inspiring.
Thanks, Threads people, for running the survey, and for listening!
Great issue of Threads! I didn't pick up the mail until Sunday. Once I finished up all the things I NEEDED to do, I sat down with the magazine and didn't put it down until I'd gone through it all! Very good issue; and a quick response to our feedback. The editors and writers have proven that it is possible to answer the readers' wants and desires. I am impressed; I had almost thought that that level of customer service was merely a dream.
I loved David Coffin's vest variation - too bad he's leaving the magazine. The knit pants pattern method is very similar to one I've been using, and I found that confirmation reassuring.
Thank you Threads; every one of you has done a great job!
I am really upset, here it is July 6th and I still don't have my issue. Worse yet it is now avaliable in the stores here locally. Really makes me quesition what the value of subscribing is other than the discount, which at times like these doesn't seem important! I missed out on a three day holiday sewing binge! ;>)
How late does it have to be to claim it missing??!!
Still no sign of it for me either and I managed to get to two bookstores to check last night... I'd at least like a look right away even if I have to wait for mine to hit the mailbox... but I can't even find it at stores. Lucky you!
I just finished devouring the latest issue as well. *LOVED* the article on thread types and terminology - basic, yet thorough information for every level of sewist.... I think having the vest variations in the same issue as the article on how to change a shawl collar around was a very good editorial juxtaposition. Also the insertions/lace/embroidery article with the stamping embroidery article really should lead to some interesting "inspired by Threads" entries, I would think! Great energy in this issue!
Oh, I hope we do get some Irish lace and some embroidery/stamping entries! The lace is actually fairly quick to make, even though it ends up looking quite intricate.
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