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Conversational Threads

Issue 210…French seam refinement article

user-7488108 | Posted in Techniques on

I was really looking forward to learning from this article. However, the choice of fabric and thread color to show the stitching lines made the photos useless.

Given the pattern of the fabric and use of a nearly matching thread…well…left me very disappointed.

Could you publish photos on the web, using a different (plain) fabric and contrasting thread?  Ruth’s text was excellent but the photos made it impossible to see to what she was referring.



  1. ThreadsMagazineWeb | | #1

    Hi there!

    Thank you for mentioning this. We are aware that the pattern of the fabric made the technique difficult to see and are working on providing samples that display it more clearly. I'll let you know when we have an update!

    Thanks again,
    Christine, Digital content manager

  2. ThreadsMagazineWeb | | #2

    Hi there, I wanted to let you know that we did update the images from this article so that it is easier to see the technique. Let us know if you have other questions!



  3. user-7488108 | | #3

    Ah...much clearer! Thanks! It’s a technique I do plan to use.

    1. ThreadsMagazineWeb | | #4

      Great! You'll have to share a picture with us when you do. Happy sewing!

  4. 13stars | | #5

    In issue 211 Sarah tells a reader the online version has a sample sewn in solid fabric to make this technique easier to see. I checked the online version and there is no new version.

    1. carolfresia | | #6

      Please try this URL: https://www.threadsmagazine.com/2020/06/24/how-to-end-a-french-seam-above-a-vent

      The photos have been updated: They are larger and they show fabric with a more obvious right side/wrong side difference. The thread is higher contrast as well.

      Carol Fresia, Threads Senior Technical Editor

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