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Conversational Threads

Issue Price?

GingerThreads | Posted in Talk With Us on

Forgive me if I am posting in the wrong place. I have just a quick question. I purchased the July issue last week for $6.99 at the bookstore. (I know I must be one of the few Gatherings members to not have a subscription,but hopefully I will soon.) Then I was in JoAnn’s yesterday and put the May issue in my basket. I was confused when it rang up at $8.99 at the checkout. Why the difference in issue prices?


  1. Cityoflostsouls | | #1

    I bought a copy of Threads at Hobby Lobby and it had a Preview of the Threads Fitting Series with it.  I then ordered a subscription and of course they sent me the same issue but it did not have the Fitting DVD.  I wondered if that was why the newstand price seemed so high to me.

  2. User avater
    ThreadKoe | | #2

    Hi Ginger! Some booksellers have magazines at 25% off as a loss leader to get you into the store to buy books. When they offer mags at a lesser price than the other places, you are more likely to go there to get them, and more likely to impulse buy other things. Bookstores now carry wider assortments of magazines in order to draw customers in as well. Some large retailers are now doing this as well. Cathy

  3. User avater
    Deana | | #3

    Hi GingerThreads,

    This issue was priced higher than a regular issue because it was a special fitting issue and included the Fitting Series DVD preview.


    1. meg | | #4

      I'm late to the game here, but are you saying that the Threads issue sold in bookstores, etc, include a DVD but the subscribers don't receive the DVD? My (subscription) issue came without a DVD. Please excuse my confusion, perhaps all this will be more clear when my cup of coffee kicks in!

      1. katina | | #5

        Oh dear, Meg - that's baaaaaaad news if this is the case. Why should we bother to subscribe then? I haven't received my Threads yet, so I don't know if there'll be a DVD with it. If indeed subscribers are NOT receiving the DVD, it does rather seem as if we subscribers, now hooked, are not considered nearly as important as those yet to be reeled in.


        1. User avater
          ThreadKoe | | #6

          NO We did not get the preview DVD with our Subscription! Only news stand issues got that. I am not so impressed either. I also just realized that every year I renew my subscription, and I have never ever received a bonus for subscribing either! Sometimes a bonus offer is offered to new subscribers....:( OK I am feeling a little bit left out here! I know there is a bit of a discount for being a subscriber, however, Threads is lagging in the online extra department for subscribers only as an example. I know we can preview the DVD online.... But heck, I just feel so second class when this happens. Cathy

          1. katina | | #7

            Hi Cathy

            Second class is a good way of putting it. Maybe it shouldn't matter so much, but it does. You know, I've subscribed, without break, since 1986. I always renew for 3 years at a time, but when this next comes up...well, I don't know. Used to be, I waited eagerly for each issue, but I can't in all honesty say that now.

            Good wishes


          2. User avater
            ThreadKoe | | #8

            I received my first subscription as a gift. Issue #56. I have weathered through all the changes. I was very disappointed when they moved away from a multi craft format to just a sewing format in the beginning, as that was what I really had loved and subscribed to initially. However, I am a sewer primarily, and soon loved the new couture and fine sewing heading the magazine took. I have learned a lot, and continue to do so.
            This is the ONLY magazine I subscribe to that is not farm oriented. Even when I really could not afford it, I subscribe. There seems to be a lack of focus on where the magazine is headed. It was fine where it was. It needs to keep heading down the path of fine sewing and craftmanship. That is where the readership is. Deviate too far from that, and it will lose. Taunton built its magazines on that masthead. Cathy

          3. katina | | #9

            Yes, as you say we've weathered all the changes, and yes, Threads still seems uncertain of its direction.


          4. User avater
            Deana | | #11

            Thank you for your thoughts, ThreadKoe. As the new editor of Threads, I can assure you that the path of Threads magazine will stay focused on fine sewing with indepth instruction geared toward intermediate to advanced sewers.


          5. User avater
            ThreadKoe | | #14

            Thanks for your reply Deana. I am relieved and happy to hear that! I look forward to seeing what you have in store for us. Cathy

          6. Ceeayche | | #17

            yippee and halleluhia for the plans for the magazine!

      2. User avater
        Deana | | #10

        The DVD that was included with the special fitting issue (No. 142) in newsstand copies was promotional material for the Threads Fitting DVD Series. It was designed to introduce new readers to this DVD content. 

        Since the DVD series had been advertised in many previous issues of Threads, we felt that our subscribers were already familiar with it. However, the preview is and has been available to view at no charge to our subscibers on our website. Here is a link to the preview: https://www.threadsmagazine.com/item/4762/fitting-dvd-series-preview

        We would never think of our subscribers as second rate! We truly value your loyalty throughout the years and your continued support and input. We apologize for any confusion this may have caused.

        Kind regards,



        1. sewelegant | | #12

          Since when is promotional material paid for by the consumer.  Maybe it always is, but more subtly.  I just assumed the issue price had been increased just like everything else.  By the way, my dvd did not work when I put it into the computer, do you know what I need to do to be able to see it?

          1. User avater
            Deana | | #13

            Hi Sewelegant,

            That is a good question. It was promotional material, but it is also showing a portion of the actual DVD so it is actual content being received. It is a preview of the DVD and was included in combination with this special fitting issue. I don't know about the DVD functionality, but I will see if I can find out for you.

            Edited 5/15/2009 1:09 pm ET by Deana

            Edited 5/15/2009 1:29 pm ET by Deana

          2. amm | | #15

            Hi Sewelegant,

            I read your message indicating that you had trouble viewing the DVD on your computer.  You didn't mention what happened (or didn't happen), so it's really hard to suggest what the problem might be.  Try it in your DVD player to watch it on your TV.  If it works there, then the problem is with your computer.  You might need to launch a DVD player program such as Quicktime, Real Player, Intervideo WIN DVD, Windows Media Player, and then access the DVD through the menu.

            If these suggestions don't work, please describe what steps you're taking to watch it on your computer and what happens as a result.  Also mention what kind of computer you have.  I'll do my best to help you.

            April Mohr, Threads Editorial Assistant

          3. sewelegant | | #16

            Thank you for the reply, I will try the things you mentioned.  I suspect it may be just that since I ordered a dvd tutorial from a sewing site awhile back and could only watch it on my son's laptop.  (He probably just had the right program installed)

            Our computer is a Dell.  We do not have Quicken installed on it and so many people send us data needing that.  I found out I would need $300 to get it so I am always afraid a new program is going to be costly.

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