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Conversational Threads

It’s a Skirt…Finally!!

blingy | Posted in Photo Gallery on

This pattern has ended up being more scotch tape than paper pattern but I think I finally got it to fit, at least it fits as good as I can made it.  I had to slash the back and widen it a bit, allowing the back hemline to fall into the correct position and I had to add fabric in the belly area without adding to the width.  Frankly, its still too wide in the hips, as you will see.  This fabric is a very stiff twill so just imagine this in something a little more drapey.  For the front, I slashed and spread about a foot down and added a second dart to close up the waistline.  So now I have enough to cover my booty and the pot belly without anything being strained and pulling the side seams out of line.  It was a long time coming and I thank God for cheap fabric at Wal-Mart!




  1. user-51823 | | #1

    you get an A+! it's awful when instead of solving problems, more keep popping up. you have great drive and patience.okay, having said that... ;-)
    i am noticing for the first time, probably because of your other trhead about the low elastic waistband, that the top of this skirt seems to fall a few inches below your natural waistline now. are you planning to add height, or leave as is?

    1. User avater
      blingy | | #2

      I am going to leave this skirt to hang where it will.  Although the skirt is tipped down in front, that is just how my waist is and I am not going to fight it.  I did try to pull the front up but I think it is just natural for any waistband/waistline to fall to the smallest area.  On me, that area is tipped.  I know it is not perfect but it fits, I can move around, I can sit and it's comfortable and it fits like the RTW skirt I bought a K-Mart the other day.  I think this is the best I can hope for until I loose a few pounds and maybe eliminate some of the "roundness" in front.

  2. rodezzy | | #3

    YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!  It looks great and you did a wonderful job.  Persistance truly pays off.

    1. User avater
      blingy | | #4

      Thank You!  And a thanks to all who replied to my pleas for help with this little monster of a skirt!


      1. jjgg | | #7

        You get an A+ for hanging in and being persistent with this. The fit is much better, the side seams are where they belong, the hem is level, and I agree a softer fabric will probably eliminate some of the sag lines that are showing in this fabric

  3. fabricholic | | #5

    Hooray. Now you have a good pattern that you can use to make more. Way to go Blingy!

  4. GailAnn | | #6

    AND a very good skirt it is too!

  5. stitchintime | | #8

    I have been following your trials with this skirt and you've been a model example of persistence and success. Congratulations.

  6. solosmocker | | #9

    You've come a long way, Baby! What a difference from your original pictures. Congratulations and I can't wait to see the next skirt!

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