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ITY fabric

wlric | Posted in General Discussion on

Does anyone know what ITY describes regarding fabric? Is it a type of fiber, weave, or something else?
thanks, wlric


  1. jjgg | | #1

    could you perhaps give us the sentence "ITY" was used in?

    1. wlric | | #3

      I have a poly/spandex fabric swatch that is labeled ITY and was curious as to the meaning. I had done a Google search here, but didn't find a satisfactory answer. The Google.au did have more responses and after a few clicks I found a Malaysian fabric manufacturing site that actually used words to describe: Improved Texture Yarn. ITY

      1. jjgg | | #4

        So, now the question is; just what is "improved texture yarn??" is this like a microfiber? how did they improve the texture? I some times wonder if companies just make up some of these names so people will think they are getting something extra special!

        1. Teaf5 | | #5

          Textiles are fairly tightly regulated, so it's unlikely that a printed claim is a sham.  A lot of advances have been made recently in the science of textiles, and as each is made available, it's patented and named uniquely.  On the next rainy day, I can check textile science journals and books to learn more about this innovation.

        2. wlric | | #6

          The swatch that I have has a very nice "hand". Almost silky, but it's definitely a poly/span knit. When I get a little extra time I will do some research on this also. Thanks for your interest and help.

  2. Cherrypops | | #2

    a quick search on http://www.google.com.au

    ITY fabric

    ..........most say Spandex / Knit / poly-lycra blends

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