J. Hiatt “Principles of Knitting”
Does anyone here have this book? It is out of print and the cheapest one on Amazon is $288! I’m trying to find out how she does her “double needle cast on.” Since this book isn’t available I would think it is OK to share this information. I’ve done an extensive internet search and all I can find is that this stitch is on page 132. Can anyone help?
I found this website for my daughter who is taking up knitting again. http://www.knittinghelp.com - fun with the videos on each technique. I wonder if the method you mention is one of the one's shown?
Thanks Elisabeth but none of those are the cast on method I'm looking for. Neat site though!
You have me so curious, I ordered the book from our library, or had DH do it, today.
Let me know what you think.
This is one fine book with lots of really good information. I've gleaned a lot of knitting know-how in my 50 years of twiddling with string and sticks, but some of the information is new to me. Time to start playing again. I wish I could afford the book. Thanks for the introduction. :)
Mine hasn't arrived at my local library yet. I'm glad you are enjoying yours.
I picked up my copy at the library today and I'm already experimenting with some of the techniques. I wish I had this book in my collection! Why didn't I come across this in 1988? I'll be waiting for the reissue.
The illustrations are great and really show the engineering of knitting technique for those of you who are interested in that.
Well, I'm so curious now that I'm going to the library and see if I can get a copy through interlibrary loan and see for myself what you're talking about. I know there's one there that's very thorough and easy to read; maybe that has something in it while I'm waithing for J. Hiatt to arrive. Thanks for the inspiration. rjf
Yippee, my library located J. Hiatt's book and ordered it for me. Did you know "J." stood for "June" ? I also picked up "The Big Book of Knitting" by Katharina Buss and if your library has it, it's also worth looking at....many clever techniques and tricks...and easy to follow. rjf
have fun with your books!
I got J. Hiatt's book from the library yesterday. The worst time of year to bring a book like that home but maybe I can renew after Christmas! If you find a minute or two, would you look at "Twice Knit" on pg 79? It reads as if there will be no stitches left at the end of the row and I don't think that's what's intended. There are so many different techniques I've never heard of. Makes me wonder what I've doing all my life. rjf
No, if you K2tog and slip only 1 off the left hand needle you still will have 1 on your right hand needle, then if you use the st you left on your left hand needle as one of the next set of K2tog you should have another st added to your R hand needle with each group of K2tog. Is that as clear as mud? I haven't tried it, but I must say, it hurt my brain to try to visualize it. LOL.
Ah-ha! I wasn't thinking carefully about left - right needles! I shouldn't have taken this book from the library right before Christmas and it's so big, it's hard to know where to start. There are more things I don't know than things I do. Very humbling....and I thought I was a good knitter. There are snowflake patterns on the way. rjf
I really really seriously Want this book. It's due back at the library the first of January, methinks it will be renewed if possible!
****I really really seriously Want this book****Me too, and I think we are not alone. I wish she would hurry up and put out a new edition.
Yes. 360 bucks for a book that originally sold for around 30 is a bit much for my blood.
It's hard to believe that it sold for only $30 in 1988. Even then, it should have been more, I think. But I might not be remembering quite right. And now, when it's selling for $360, who is making the profit? I hope the author is getting some of that scandalous price. On the other hand, it's nice to know there are some people so interested in knitting that they would spend anything for their craft. I started knitting in the late fifties and knitting has been in and out of fashion a few times since then. It's fun to watch young people discover knitting....as if it's their own invention. Maybe you have to think of it that way to be able to do it. All the little quirks we have for knitting are so individual but probably we don't even recognize it. It's like the story on pages 3 and 4 of THE book. rjf
Maybe if another version of this book gets printed the prices will fall and we'll be able to afford it. There is so much good stuff in just the first couple of chapters! When I see all the fluffy scarves all over the place I hope that the makers get interested in things like sweaters again! sigh
Maybe they could graduate from fuzzy scarves to little hats for newborns. Very fast and easy and I guess they could use an endless supply. The knitting group I'm with was asked to do hats by a high school senior who was organizing the project. We made about 70 hats in 3 weeks and they're still turning up occasionally. They're good "inbetween" projects and one 4-oz skein will make more than a dozen hats. There does seem to be more interest in knitting because new people keep showing up for the group. Hooray. rjf
Heather, I checked our library and it is available there through an interlibrary loan program. Have you checked at yours? I'll ask ours to get it for me if you'd like.
Thanks so much--I thought of the library after I went to bed last night. I checked ours out this morning and their website says they do have it. I'm very happy. Thank you for the kind offer.
June Hiatt is working on re-publishing a condensed version of this book; but the date of publication is not known. (Oddly enough, it wasn't a great seller because of the high price tag.)
Youre best bet is borrowing this book through by inter-library loan (or if you're lucky, by finding it in a used book store). Even though it's out of print, it's still illegal to photocopy, as the copyright has not expired.
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