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Conversational Threads

Janome 300e/350e

Cherrypops | Posted in Machine Embroidery on

Hello Vicki,

I am about to purchase a janome 350e. i read on your introduction post you own the 300e. would you please give us some reasons as to why you chose this machine, how long have you owned it, and what you love about it, and heaven forbid if you have had any mechanical or other problems with it?

I hope you won’t mind if I contact you again when I begin my first embroidery adventure with the 350e. I already have buzz tools (xplore, edit and size) and the Janome Customizer 1000 Plus, and have been ‘playing’ with these programs. I haven’t looked at Embird yet. Buzz and Customizer were a christmas present. I wish Santa gave me the Machine as well. Oh Well, It is coming in May, Mother’s day.

Hope to see you around,

CherryPops (sydney Australia)




  1. User avater
    VKStitcher | | #1

    Good morning/evening CherryPops!

    I've had my Janome 300e for a little over a year now.  The machine was a treat for me, thanks to a nice bonus from work.  I'm still very much a beginner in using it, but so far I like it.  Mostly I've done embroidered towels that were gifts for family and friends.

    I chose this machine for several reasons: - I had a good sewing machine, so didn't need a combination sewing/embroidery machine. - The stand-alone embroidery machine will stitch away on its own while I'm sewing something else. - My other machine is a Janome MC4800, and I know that Janomes are quality machines. - It came with a hoop that will stitch 5"x7" designs, as well as a smaller hoop for 4"x4" designs.  (A Giga-Hoop is available that will do larger designs, but I don't have it.) - I thought is was a good value for the money, compared to other embroidery machines that I had researched.

    The machine stitches out beautiful designs.  It's user-friendly, and I was able to stitch out one of the built-in designs right after I set it up.  I've only had 2 little problems with it--actually they were operator errors!  The thread would break (fixed when I realized I didn't have it threaded right!), and the bobbin thread would bunch up (fixed by replacing the needle and dusting out the bobbin area).

    The Customizer software was part of the deal when I purchased the machine.  I think it is awkward to use, and it has limited fonts for lettering.  I've gotten by with it so far, and have used it to combine designs.  I also have the Monogram Wizard Plus software, which I think is easier to use, and it makes beautiful monograms.  I've been looking at Embird, and plan to download the demo soon and play around with it.

    The new 350e has a few more bells & whistles than my machine, like the USB port and thread cutter.  Although I'm still learning about it myself, feel free to ask questions.  I'm sure someone here will be able to help you if I can't.  Have fun with your Mother's Day present.  I know you'll enjoy it!

    Edited 4/12/2007 12:57 pm ET by VKStitcher

    1. Cherrypops | | #2

      Thank you Vicki, your thoughts for choosing this machine duplicate mine. I will look at the Monogram Wizard Software because that is one avenue of embroidery I wish to take. I have heard/read Embird is easier to use than Buzz Tools (which I have). Have fun with the trial download. Make lots of lovely items. CherryPops

      1. MargieT | | #3

        Hi Cherrypops.

        I love my 300E.  I have had it for about 2 and a 1/2 years. It was a leaving work present I gave myself. The machine is reasonably priced, easy to use and reliable. I wanted it because of the 5x7 hoop. [My 9000 only has a 4x4 hoop] and I didn't want to spend a lot of money on a wiz bang machine. I also wanted to be able to do embroidery whilst sewing on another machine which saves time when making quilts. Can I also recommend Embird - it is very reasonably priced [compared to other programs offered by machine companies] - approx $120 US.  With Embird you can convert designs, edit designs, split designs, uzip designs, store designs in designated folders and numerous other clever things.  It also has an additional plug-in called Font  Engine which can be used for writing and monograms.  Embird also has a 30 day trial period.   As you can tell I am a fan.  If you want any more information let me know.


        1. Cherrypops | | #4

          Hello Marg,

          Thanks for your information. I have Buzz Tools (similar to Embird) and Customizer 10,000 Plus installed. These were xmas presents, to get me started, I wish Santa gave me the machine as well. Anyway when I get the 350e I will download the trial of Embird and compare it to Buzz Tools. I have quite a number of alphabet designs, but the extra fonts wouldn't hurt.

          I will be in touch when I really start working with the machine and if I decide on Embird and have troubles you will be the first to know.

          I will also read the previous messages about Embird written on  this site (25).


          1. MaryinColorado | | #5

            You will have lots of fun with  embroidery!  Did you read all the info in the "archives" here under machine emb?  Hopefully you will be getting free classes with your machine purchase!  They teach you all sorts of tricks and tips.  I have two embroidery machines, my grand daughter, 13, will take one home when she has the space someday.  My daughter in law is borrowing one and learning all she can and having lots of fun with it.  She hopes Santa will bring one next Christmas. 

            Let us know if you have any questions.  My machines are Husq/Vikings but I can help out with other questions.  Try to learn about stabilizers in the mean time, I like to buy them on the roll now that I know which brands I prefer. 

            I love Sulky Rayon the best but for your little boy, you might want to use the polyester embroidery threads as they are hardier.  Bobbin thread comes in white, black, and ivory or you can use emb thread sometimes but it is a pain to change colors underneath.  Get the large spools of bobbin embroidery thread to save money.

            Check out http://www.emblib.com for thier instruction area.  They have lots of excellent information on proper hooping and everything else!  Sign up for thier newsletter too, lots of really great deals on designs and they will answer any questions you have.  They send the designs via email so you get them right away.  Nothing like immediate gratification!


            You are going to love this!!! 

          2. Crazy K | | #6

            Oh.......another fan of Emb. Library.  I love them.........great quality designs and very affordable.  I have enough designs to last several lifetimes and all but 3 or 4 are from Emb. Library.  I agree, their tips and videos are the best.  Lots of good info.  I am new to the embroidery thing and having a ball but its nice to have a place to look for help at times. 

            I am going to try to attach a photo of two of my favorite designs.........just gorgeous and so much detail.  I think each design was less than $5 and I get most of my designs on sale.  Their sales are awesome and if you get the newsletter you get a new sale each week.

            Enjoy the pix........at least I hope it works!


          3. MaryinColorado | | #7

            I love those designs.   My grand daughter embroidered patriotic designs all over a jean jacket.  Nice work on the shirts!  Thanks for sharing!  Mary

          4. Cherrypops | | #9

            Stunning. Great to see these designs stitched out. Well done. I will put photos of my work up when i get started and have a few mins spare. CherryPops

          5. Crazy K | | #10

            Thanks for your kind words.  These two were for step-son who was in the Navy and grandson who is presently in the Army (serving in Iraq).  I just made two more shirts; both for son-in-law's birthday.  He is now home on leave and headed back to Iraq this weekend.  The shirts were well received by all but the son-in-law proudly wore them last weekend when we visited.  He loves them!


          6. Crazy K | | #12

            I have to agree with Mary regarding the needles.......and listening to your machine.  I have found that the freebies from Emb. Library are fine since they are part of the regular line after their month of being free.  I have saved nearly all the freebies from them since I started on this fun journey of machine embroidery.  No problems so far...........I have had trouble with some other sites, however. 

            Proper stabilizers and proper hooping are important along with Mary's recommendation on the needles.  I've had some great successes and some that were just so-so.................the so-so ones were operator error or poorly digitized designs.....

            You'll have a ball..........the family may lose weight unless they learn to cook!!  ha ha LOL

          7. Cherrypops | | #17

            Thanks for your input too. I do love this forum. All suggestions and ideas appreciated.

            Yes, the kitchen will be quiet for a while..lol..My son already knows the difference between mummy and daddy's cooking. Daddy's very good, just looks different.

            I was delighted to see more of your work. I hope in time with patience and practice I too will make great things. I'm with Marcy, love the birds, but I know my son would love Nemo! I do have a clown fish design somewhere on cd.

            Were these designs from EmbLibrary? I went to the site, had forgotten I signed up to it!



          8. Crazy K | | #20

            Yes, all the designs are from Embroidery Library.  I scour their site weekly and get most of my designs when on sale.  I'm a bit of a tight-wad and often pay anywhere from 17 cents (they have a 17 cent special every month) to just a couple of dollars per design. 

            An off-shoot of Emb. Lib. is Embroidery Library Projects (if you look carefully on their homepage you'll see the link on the right hand side of the screen.  If you click on that you go to the Projects and on there they have many tips, instruction videos and a Stitchers' Showcase where they feature 4 photos daily (5 days per week) which are entries of people all over the world.  I love to look at those.............such inspiration.

            You'll be off and running in no time...........  I'm posting a photo (the photo does not do justice just because of the fabric sheen) of a valance I made for DGS and he loves it............it just fits with his castle bed!  The dragons are from Emb. Lib. also!

            Have fun!!

            Crazy K

          9. Cherrypops | | #21

            I hadn't seen the projects link. I'll go back. Great idea about waiting for sales. I have seen the 17 cents ones but at the time wasn't embarking on embroidery work. Great to know they are worth it. I love the dragons! Thanks so much. CherryPops

          10. fabricholic | | #13

            Hi Crazy K,Those designs are great. Very pretty. I hope you post more of your embroidery.Marcy

          11. Crazy K | | #14

            Thanks!  You are very kind.  The digitizing on those designs is great.......I only change the thread!!

            I will send more photos.....but not all.......that would be way too many!   I take pix of most of my projects since most are given away or donated for charity auctions, etc.  Maybe someday I'll have time to do some things for myself!!! 


          12. fabricholic | | #15

            I think the bird bag is my favorite. The feathers on the top part is so cute with it. Thanks for posting.Marcy

          13. Cherrypops | | #8

            Hi Mary,

            I am so excited about trying new things with the Janome. Hurry up Mother's Day!

            I am getting through the 'archives' . Actually your posts about Bobbins (winding, tensions etc) came in handy for my Ma who has the Des 1 and friends have SE. She doesn't have time to log in/join any forums. I hope you didn't mind me passing them on to her in an email. I really should have asked you first. apologies.

            Stabilizers, yes so much to learn. Ma doesn't use Solvy. the stuff she does use she recycles. rinses it into a bowl and makes a paste and uses it again. got to have her show me again, next time i visit. i will have to take a video.

            Thanks for the tips on the Threads! Again so many choices.

            Unfortunately the link you gave me took me somewhere else. but i realised what you meant. http://www.emblibrary.com and I have signed up to that a while ago.

            Yes I will have fun. Ideas spinning around in my head already. Will keep you posted.




          14. MaryinColorado | | #11

            Of course you do not need my permission to share any tips and hints that may be useful to others.  Silly gal!  Just remember one man's nectar is another's poison!  Ha ha!  just kidding! 

            I'd avoid the "free" designs for awhile, until you know how your machine "feels and sounds" when it doesn't like something.  With embridery machies, in particular, a "weird" sound may be very signifigant.  Usually it is user error or a poorly digitized design.  Try not to be persistant in making it work if the machine doesn't seem happy.  My grand daughter and I discovered this the "hard way". 

            Let me know if I can help with anything.  Buy lots of the right needles and stick with a good brand!  Change them often!!!  Mary


          15. Cherrypops | | #16

            The Janome has 100 built in designs so I will play with those first, to get the feel and sounds of her.

            I've used Schmetz needles for my sewer and overlocker the past 7yrs and have had no troubles with them. (Before that I had ma's singer with singer needles, it's put away for Thomas to use, it was given to her for her 21st, about 40 years ago). Will try Schmetz with the Janome and change over if I need to.

            Of course, I will ask for your help. It's wonderful to have you!


          16. MaryinColorado | | #18

            I prefer Schmetz but have some Klasse too now, they both work fine on the Vikings.  Did you sign up for the newsletter from emblibrary?  Lots of great deals on a regular basis. 

          17. Cherrypops | | #19

            Yes I have signed up to the newsletters ages ago. Like all things with me and home I got sidetracked. Hadn't been to the site for ages either.

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