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Janome Memory Craft 10000

mjgaskell | Posted in Equipment and Supplies on

I am almost ready to buy, but before I spend 5 thousand dollars or so, I’d like to know if Janome MC10000 owners are happy with their purchase, etc.  Can someone comment?  Thanks, Jeannine


  1. lovmygrls | | #1

    I am also ready to buy and have just looked at the Janome 10000 for the second time thorougly today and one other time briefly.  I really, really liked what I saw.  I have been trying to compare it to the Designer I by Viking.  I really hope those who have used this machine answer you since I would like to hear from more happy owners before shelling out the money too. 

    Have you looked at any others?  I am just curious as to what is making you lean towards the Janome 10000.  I don't know where you live but if you call the guys at http://www.sewlowprice.com - their prices are FABULOUS and they are very nice.  I think they were selling this one for around $3250 till March 29th or so.  The only problem is that they live in Pennsylvania, near New Jersey and you have to go in the store to buy it.  They can't ship it.  I will probably use my free airline ticket and go down there to get it from them.  They also offered to provide classes on it if I came on a Saturday before I head back home.  I think his name was Robert - very nice.

    Hope we get to hear more about this machine!


  2. HettieLynn | | #2

    I've had my 10000 for a year and a half now and I love it.  I would still buy the exact same machine today.  For a great review of this machine go to:


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