Hi, I’m new to this site. I am in the market for a new sewing machine. I have done some research and narrowed it down to a Janome. I can’t decide which model though. I’m tossing between the 6125, 6260, mc3500 or 4623. Does anyone have any advice to give me. I have never had a computerized machine before. I’m afraid that it might require more repairs and they would be costly when those circuits go out. Thanks for any help
Go with the one that has enough new stuff on it for you to learn. What kinds of sewing do you do? Computerized machines are really good and have lots of features. I bought a computerized machine 3 yrs ago and have not had any problems. It was not a Janome but I have heard good things about them. I really think you should go and try out each of the models you are looking at. Sew with at least 5 different fabric's and try out a buttonhole, some decorative stitches. Take fabric's that you use regular and take a troulblesome one as well. Is it easy to use? Is it easy to setup? What does the warranty cover for how long? Do I get lessons, how many ? Asking these questions of the sales person. If they keep throwing you off trac then leave that store. Make sure that you do the testing and not the sales person. Take your time and do not let them pressure you, let them know in a few days of your choice. Take home broshures ,with prices and your samples. Sit down and think about each machine It really comes down to a personal choice and budget. As for repairs, well I fixed the computer chip in my truck, so I will fix the sewing machine if I need too.
Thanks for your reply. I don't live close to a Janome dealer. The nearest one is 2 1/2 hours away. I did all my research on the web. I have been sewing on an old (20yr old Kenmore) Time for a change!!!
Thanks Fran
Not having looked at any of the models you list, I can't help you that way. But---get as much machine as you can afford. If you don't you will wish you could upgrade long before the machine needs replacing. My Janome (New Home) 8000 is nine years old, the first five in use in my dressmaking business. In all this time in has needed just one repair-a new light bulb. I only wish I could upgrade to a new model (the 8000 was top of the line when I bought it). Oh, well...
I don't think you will regret the choice of this brand--I certainly don't, even though my dealer is almost an hour away.
Happy sewing! Dove
Thanks for the input. I just don't know whether to get the mechanical one 6125 or the computerized one 6260!!!! Never had a computerized one before.
Hey Stitches--
Don't be afraid of the computer-it is so much smoother than my old mechanical!
Solve the problem of the bobbin by winding two or three before you start the project so you don't have to rethread. In fact buy some extras and keep bobbins wound in basic colors so you won't have to stop and wind every time you sit down to do some little job.
Thanks for the bobbin tip. Are the computerized machines as much a work horse as the mechanical ones. I have an old kenmore about 20 yrs old still ticking but of course no bells or whistles. Would they be more costly to repair if something goes amiss!!!!
I paid about $750 for my 6260 and a bonus was 40 spools of cotton thread. I have not seen it for that low since (I always check when I'm in the shop). Another consideration is parts. I'm sure you could purchase needles online, but they aren't sold in chain fabric stores. I know I need to stop for needles tomorrow. I haven't checked Sears, as they now carry some Janome machines.
I know I should wind a few bobbins at a time, but it seems that I never have enough!!
No matter what you decide, I'm sure it will be a treat over your old machine.
Dear Stitches,
I purchased the Janome 6260 last fall. I had been researching and comparing enrty level computer sewing machines for over six months and I had narrowed my choices to the Pfaff Tiptonic and the Janome 6260. After testing them both, I purchased the Janome. Both machines handled beautifully, but I finally selected the 6260 because the price was so attractive and I felt that the walking foot included with the 6260 model would solve any material feeding problems that I might encounter. However, my machine has smoothly handled all types of fabric (including the lycra fabric that I have used to make five bathing suits this summer)without the walking foot. If you are planning to use the machine for quilting, you should also look at the Pfaff because the dual feed was a wonderful feature. The 6260 is extremely easy to use and has been reliable so far. Perhaps someone who has more years of experience with the Janome brand can furnish more information on Janome brand durability. I wish that my experience with the 6260 was longer so that I could offer more experienced advice. I hope that this information will be helpful to you.
Thank you so much for replying. Is the 6260 easy to use? I have never had a computerized machine and was concerned. I also was considering the mc3500---do you know anything about it?
Thanks again
I bought the 6260 last fall. It was an upgrade (from a Viking), but I confess that I didn't research other machines, as the dealer is only a couple of miles from my house and the price was right. I wanted as many decorative stitches as I could get, and a walking foot. I love this machine. I do alot of home dec sewing (for money), some kids clothing, and dream of having time to quilt again someday.
The machine is very easy to use, but I would highly recommend lesson(s) if offered. I've sewn for years, and felt like I was learning all over again! I had never done a blind hem, and the machine can really let you do a lot with trims and such. I could now never go back to a machine without the needle up/down feature!
I was a little nervous about failure with the computer aspect, but the dealer assured me that they are built to last. So far so good, and I do a lot of sewing. My only complaint is that you have to rethread to wind a bobbin- my old machine didn't.
Thanks for replying. I'm surprised that you have to rethread. I thought on all new machines it was not necessary. Did you look at the 6125 or mc3500 before you decided on the 6260. What is the price range for the 6260. I live 2 1/2 hrs from a dealer and have been looking on the internet. I've gotten several price ranges. Thanks
My experience sewing on the Janome 6260 is extremely postive. The manual directions are clear and straightforward. I've experimented with every stitch and all the feet -except the blindhem foot. Creating buttonholes has been problem free. In fact, I haven't taken advantage of my free sewing lessons yet because I haven't encountered any problems. Personally, I find that this computerized machine is much easier to use than my former sewing machines.
Initially, I felt reluctant to purchase a computerized machine because of the expense and my fear that the machine would be more complicated to use. Please make an effort to test sew on these new machines before you purchase one because the experience will make your decision much easier! I found the dealors in my area to be patient and helpful during my search. Good luck!
thank you so much for the advice. Just when I thought I had it narrowed down to Janome 6260, I did some research on the web on brother models. I read that the nx600 and nx400 do all the things the 6260 does and even alphabet which the 6260 does not do. Now I'm really confused! Do you all know about the brother models?
I'm not familiar with the Brother machines, but it certainly appears worth researching the models and testing them. Good luck!
Hi Karen,
I have been out looking today and just found the Janome 6260! I have been looking at the Brother NX400 too. Nice machines and I can't decide. The saleslady at the shop told me that the NX400 leans more towards embroidery whereas the 6260 leans towards the quilting aspect. So..... not sure. Does anyone know if the NX400 has any quilting stitches on it? It has a ton but I can't find them listed anywhere as to what they are. Can anyone help us out?
Karen, did you end up with a machine yet? If so what did you decide on? Let me know and what made your decision?
Thanks!! Kathy
Dear Kathy,
Last November, I purchased the Janome 6260 and have found it extremely easy to use. It does have decorative stitches and I've used most of them. Instead of wrapping gifts at Christmas, I sew gift bags and last year I utilized many of the decorative stitches constructing the bags. New stitch choices certainly made the process more fun. However, if you are interested in an embroidery machine, the 6260 is not what you need.
As far as utility stitches, I particularly enjoy the multiple zigzag stitch(bathing suits last summer), the knit stitch and the serging stitch(knit clothes) Sewing has problem free, so I've been pleased with my decision. If you are a quilter you might really appreciate the walking foot that comes with the machine. I believe the foot is standard with this model, but you probably need to check. However, I have sewed on lame, velour, knits, spandex, denim, etc. without having to use the walking foot, which has been wonderful(the feed dogs on my old machine couldn't accommodate anything too heavy or light)
I'm also pleased with the ease of making nice buttonholes as my last machine finally could not be adjusted to create even adequate looking buttonholes. Also handy is the little reference guide on the machine's flip-up lid that indicates which feet to use with each stitch - I always feel more comfortable checking before I sew.
When I was researching and shopping, I sewed on several terrific machines that I was considering for purchase. I really recommend that you test the machines yourself before you decide on one. I hope you find a great machine that brings you hours of creative pleasure.
Happy sewing! Karen
Hi Karen,
Thank you so very much for all the info re: the Janome 6260. Coming from a Singer only life, the choices out there are mind boggling when you start looking. I am amazed ane feel really dumb because I am so "out of touch". Although all you ladies here at Gatherings are catching me up with the latest.
I am glad to hear about the buttonholes and the ability to sew on anything with great tension. I take it that the machine sets itself for any stitches you pick. You said there is a chart to tell what foot, etc to use for the stitches? I'd be lost if not. A quick question... does the 6260 have a free arm? I just noticed the accessory drawer that pulls out to the side for quilting. Does it have a needle threader also? I can't remember since I looked at several.
Thanks again for your help and answers!! I really appreciate it.
Dear Kathy,
The accessory box does remove to create a 3 1/2" X 9 1/4" arm and the reference chart on the flip-up lid contains a threading diagram as well as pictures of all the stitches accompanied by the computer numeral to use in selecting the stitch, and the letter of the foot to use. Since the tension adjustment is automatic for most stitches, you don't have to change it. The most frequently used feet are housed in the top of the machine near the thread spool pin.
To select the stitch, you push one of two clearly marked buttons for the utility stitches, while the decorative stitches are selected with two other clearly marked buttons. I found the whole process remarkably intuitive after a short learning curve.
There is an automatic threader, but thirty years of sewing have left their mark and I automatically thread that needle by hand before I remember the threader.
The other machine that I seriously considered for purchase was the Pfaff Tiptonic which was also a terrific machine - dual feed, great button hole, smooth, etc. It didn't have a threader, but that was not a big issue for me. You might want to test this machine also. It was an extremely difficult decision for me, especially as both machines were on sale. Of course, the positive side of the dilema was that either machine would have changed my sewing experience.
Before I started the process of selecting a new machine, I purchased and read several books including The Sewing machine guide by John Giordano and The Complete sewing machine handbook by Karen Kunkel. Then I read any consumer reports on sewing machines (outdated and not useful) and I began to monitor the forums on all the sewing related sites that I could locate for several months. The article in the Sept. 2002 Threads on sewing machines and the comparison chart included with the article helped me focus on the features that I needed in a machine. You can download the chart from this site and print it out.
I hope that this info is helpful. Good luck! Karen
Thanks for the reply. I appreciate all the info. I too, have been searching for printed material that is CURRENT but there's not much. So.... that's where the forums and the other sites come in handy,
Thanks for the machine info. I need to decide soon cause I really want to get to all those projects waiting for me! I am still trying to decide between the janome 6260 and the Brother NX 600 or the PC6000. There are some good deals out there since it's getting close to the Holidays.
Thanks again! Kathy
Hi Stitches,
Well, I am curious what machine you ended up getting. I have been looking for machines too and am amazed at all that's out there now. I had a Singer for 20+ years so this all is new territory. You said that you were looking at the JAnome 6260 and then saw the Brother NX400. Well, i am in the same boat and so was curious what you finally got.
Karen who has been writing to us both, said that if we wanted a quilting machine the 6260 was great. A salesperson told me that the NX400 was more embroidery based. But I didn't know if it had any quilting stitches on it. Do you know off hand? They are both the same price approx. - 699. Unless you got your's cheaper?
I'm looking forward to hearing from you about what you got! Thanks for the info!
I've had my computerized husqvarna viking for over 5 years. I sew a lot and I have never ever had a problem with it. I keep it cleaned out by vacumming out the loose threads and dust from the bobbin area but other than that I don't worry about it it all. My advice would be to invest in the very best machine you can afford rather than buying something that you'll want to upgrade later on.
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