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Joanns sales flyers

MarshaK | Posted in General Discussion on

I have been getting the Joanns sales flyers in the mail regularly, most have arrived during the delivery dates specified on the mailing label, except for the last four or so. The one for the sale that was on before the present one arrived with this one. Has anyone else had problems with the delivery of these flyers? I’m in Canada and have been in touch with Joanns, and was told to check with my post office. The flyers for Canadians are distributed from Windsor, Ontario, but there is no address where one could write to complain.

We go down into the States several times a year, I like to have these sales flyers for the 40% off one regular priced item coupon, which I use for things like rolls of Sulky water soluble stabilizer. The fabrics in this store aren’t the best and the amount that the store is carrying seems to be getting smaller every time I visit, lots of silk flowers and greenery if anyone’s interested in that kind of thing.



  1. sbsterling | | #1

    As an alternative to getting the mailings by post, I believe you can go to the JoAnn's website and sign up to get the coupons by email. You just print them and cut them out to use them.

    Edited 6/3/2005 1:25 pm ET by steph

    1. MarshaK | | #4

      Hi Steph,

      I have tried several times to sign up for the e-mail newsletter from Joanns, all I've gotten was a message back from them thanking me for signing up and my first one would arrive in my Inbox in 4-6 weeks. That's all I've heard from them. I have looked at the flyers online, but it's just not the same as the paper flyer. I know I can print it off, but that's a waste of paper and ink.  MarshaK.

  2. eauinaz | | #2

    When I was last in JoAnn's I was told that the company honors coupons for Michael's--a chain craft store. They seem to have weekly 50% off coupons in our Sunday paper.

    1. MarshaK | | #5

      The problem here is that I also like to shop at Michaels and use any of their coupons that I can get my mitts on. I do a variety of crafts, especially beading, that is the department at Michaels that I visit frequently, I always seem to find a book to add to my collection there too. MarshaK.

    2. User avater
      paddyscar | | #10

      So that's what happened to JoAnn's!  I had noticed the fabrics weren't just what they used to be, and everything seems to be a jumble.  It is too bad that when a company buys out the competitor, that they don't take any interest in the part of the business that is different.  Instead of making things better, they just seem to bring both sides of the business to an unimaginative lump, and not the best of both.



      1. KarenW | | #11

        Are you sure about that merger?  My son worked at the nearby Joann's until last year and the last newsletter he brought home that I think focused on the anniversary of the company showed how it originated as an individual store and grew into the Fabri-Centers of America corporation - no mention whatsoever of any affiliation with Michael's.

        Here are some 50% off coupons for the sale today and tomorrow --



  3. kswolff | | #3

    It is not your imagination, Joann has become much more of a craft store since the merger with Michael's a few years ago. If anyone has been in either of the stores, you will notice almost identical inventory. Joann's used to have acceptable fabrics and now in most cases seem to be an afterthought. There are a few stores around the country, Salem, Oregon for example, that are still offering nice fabrics, probably a difference in store management IMHO. As for the flyers, I agree that they are irregularly delivered and it is best to check the website instead - it saves paper too!

    1. MarshaK | | #6

      I have noticed the similarities between the two stores, I hadn't realized that they had merged. I guess I shouldn't make such a big deal about not having the 40% off coupon, they still have great sales on patterns and notions, I'm a great one for collecting buttons, occasionally I can hit a good sale when we travel down into Montana when notions are 50% off. I've noticed that I have been bringing home fewer pieces of fabric each trip. The annual Firefly Frenzy sale should be coming up in mid June, maybe I'll be lucky as our next trip may be in a week or so. MarshaK.

      1. Teaf | | #7

        I've missed my last three flyers, too, so maybe something's wrong with the system. Or maybe they figured that some of us were too regularly using the coupons--if I can't find anything to use mine on, on the last day it's valid, I buy a skein of cotton yarn for my patchwork afghan. I'm about a third of the way through it, and I figure I'll end up with a "40-percent-off" afghan in a couple of years!

        1. MarshaK | | #8

          Two days ago I received the flyer for the sale that starts on June 12th. The 'deliver between date' was May 10-12. ??? Wonder if that's the reason it arrived before the sale started instead of several days late? So I will get to use the 40% off coupon and the two 50% ones for the Firefly Frenzy, June 17th and 18th. I use the Michaels coupons like you do, if there is nothing I need that has a high price on it, I'll buy a magazine like Belle Armoire or a spool of Beadalon wire, always need some of that for beadwork. I really hate to see a good coupon go to waste!

          1. sbsterling | | #9

            Hi Marsha,

            I don't actually get the flyer via email just the coupons, which I guess doesn't completely solve your problem but at least you can still get the 40% discount when you visit the store.

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