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Julien Christofolis Pattern Draping Pics

scrubble4 | Posted in Fitting on

Hi:  I was just visiting Susan Khafke’s site and looked at the stills on Julien Christofoli’s pattern draping.  I am a visual person and found this interesting and helpful.  You may also find this enlightening or at least enjoyable. 




  1. Gloriasews | | #1

    Very interesting - thanks!  Goes to show what you can do with draping. 


  2. Teaf5 | | #2

    Very interesting, but it also shows why so few garments fit us--does anyone have a body shaped like that?  Even my model-shaped young daughter couldn't wear a garment based on that mannequin.

    1. scrubble4 | | #3


      "does anyone have a body shaped like that?"

      Not that I have ever seen.  That is why I am so committed to custom fitted dress forms as an essential fitting/designing tool.  I have become much more accepting of my shape and size from viewing my own dress form.  I am not sure if this is because I can get a better fit and thus I am not so fussed about it or because in viewing it I am coming to decide it is not a bad shape. 

      Sure is the great thing about sewing that we are not held hostage to someone else's view of the "right" shape.  Thanks Scrubble4

      1. Teaf5 | | #4

        Good point about accepting our body shape! As mine has changed, so have the clothes that flatter me. Sometimes, I just need to lengthen a hem, change a sleeve style, or choose a different color; other times, I need to give up on the style as just not working for me.

    2. SBAK | | #5

      I'm so pleased you found the draping pictures with Julien Cristofoli interesting.  I'd like to add that the draping is done on one's own mannequin - one that has been molded or customized (padded up) to the exact shape of the wearer.   Then the narrow black tapes are applied to the mannequin, the muslin is marked, then it is draped.  And of course, the proper amount of ease is built in; it realyl is a wonderfully accurate way to create patterns.

      Susan Khalje

      1. User avater
        dbsewing | | #6

        How do I learn more about draping? This was a great site to look at but.. are there good books or DVD's? I can't seem to get out of my sewing room these days I'm having to much fun!

        1. SBAK | | #7

          It's a subject that's diffcult to learn, mostly because it's seldom taught (flat pattern-making is more common).  The Helen Armstrong text on draping is sort of the classic, so that's one place to start, and Julien and I are planning a series of DVD's in the near future, so that's another option (though not an immediate one!).


          1. BellaGabriella | | #8


            Madeline Vionnett. Go to Amazon and search for her book. Threads also did an article on her years ago when they used to feature past designers. Oh, I wish they would bring that back.

            She was amazing.


          2. SBAK | | #9

            She was fabulous - and now that that book is out in English, it's even better (the original was in Japanese).  If you're fascianted with pattern work, you mght enjoy Pattern Magic 1 and Pattern Magic 2 - fabulous designs by Japanese students (I've been told; it's hard to tell - it's in Japanese, of course..., but the patterns themselves are very clear, and marked in English) - ISBN978-4-579-11071-1 and ISBN978-4-579-11170-1. 


          3. scrubble4 | | #14


            "when they used to feature past designers. Oh, I wish they would bring that back."

            Oh I so agree.  I learn so much reading these articles and looking at the pictures.  I was thinking how wonderful it would be to have an article are Ralph Rucci.  His understanding of fabric and body and simply amazing.  He is not a "past designer' of course, he is very current.  I wonder? 


      2. desigknityog | | #10

        I would love to learn to drape.  Can you recommend a text or DVD? Will you be offering future workshops on draping techniques?  Thank you. 

        1. SBAK | | #11

          We plan to offer draping classes, hopefully in New York in the  fall.   Details will be on my website (http://www.SusanKhalje.com) once plans are finalized.  And we're also working on a series of draping DVD's - featuring Julien and the incredible French method of draping, which is such a comprehensive, well thought-out system.

          Thanks for your interest!


          1. SAAM | | #12

            I wish I lived in New York so I could take your class. Please let us know when your DVD is available.Sherry

          2. SBAK | | #13

            Hopefully, our draping DVD's will be out by the end of the year.

            I'll be advertising them on my website, so the word will be out.

            Thanks for your interest.


          3. scrubble4 | | #15

            Susan:  Your site is great.  Thanks for joining us here in this discussion.  I have a question about your upcoming DVD - will it show each piece in slow motion or pause action with close ups?  I often find in reading and viewing that there are critical pieces of information that are glossed over.  I am sure it is because there is an assumption that "everyone" knows the piece of information but for me that is often not the case. 

            Thanks for planning the DVD.  I hope I remember to go to your site in the fall.  It is a really busy time for me work wise.  Is there a way I can send you my email from your site so you can send me an email when the DVD is available? 

            Thanks Scrubble4

          4. SBAK | | #16

            The DVD's will be full of close-ups - I

            ll be working with one of my old TV show producers, and she is an expert at presenting information clearly.

            And I'll be happy to add your name to my mailing list.

            Thanks for your interest!


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