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knit and crochet on one piece

bjames | Posted in Knitting and Crochet on

I want to switch from crocheting to knitting, and visa versa, in the middle of a piece. Does anyone know of any links to tutorials, or even better, “video” tutorial on this technique? I know it can be done… I have seen pieces with both, and you can really be creative with it.


  1. User avater
    rodezzy2 | | #1

    Wow, I never heard of that.....this puts me on a quest to see such a project.  Thanks for the brain stretcher.

  2. User avater
    rodezzy2 | | #2

    I found a few sites....a pair of wrist warmers, a cowl neck warmer.  But mostly things were wither knitted with a crochet trim or crocheted lace projects with ribbing for cuffs and bottoms of sweaters.





  3. katina | | #3
  4. Palady | | #4

    I do both disciplines and know of adding crochet or knit to edges to a body of work done in either as has been mentioned in another reply.  Are you doing a fashion, perhaps something in free form?

    Likewise, I've knit ribbing onto crochet sweaters because I feel this method is the better than doing a crochet "rib."  That's strictly a personal choice however.

    Off the top of my head the variation would be in adjusting the number of stitches in a mid stream change, coordinating the size of the needles to the hook so the sttiches would have some symmetry, and having the item being made realizing a neat selvege.

    May I ask where it was you've seen pieces with both?


    1. bjames | | #5

      Thank you for your reply. I am not doing any particular item now. I simply came upon the idea to do this as I was crocheting a rolled brim hat, and was thinking of how I could get the edges to roll by themselves without being floppy. I know that when you do stockingnette stitch, one of the complaints is that "it rolls"!! So, my idea was to switch to knitting where I wanted the roll to be. I Googled "knit and crochet in one piece" and found the following site.
      http://www.crochetme.com/knitting-and-crochet-happy-siblingsI then decided to go to the forums for some help from the knowledgeable public.

      1. JeanM | | #6

        Those were some interesting examples.  I had never heard of combining them except for something like using knit ribbing on  a crocheted garment.   I especially liked the knitted cables within the crochet.  The problem for me is that I crochet left handed and knit right handed.

        1. starzoe | | #7

          There shouldn't be a problem with combining knit and crochet if you "crochet left handed and knit right handed", or even the opposite. Knitting is really not a left handed or right handed skill, holding yarn in the left hand for knitting is not knitting left handed, it's called Continental style. Stitches are formed the same way. Knitting left-handed is a whole different kettle of fish and requires much altering of patterns and stitches when following lace or pattern knitting. Most experienced teachers of knitting urge lefties to learn the conventional ways whether "English" style or Continental style, the learning curve is decreased considerably.There is a style of Continental (can't recall now what it is called) that requires knitting into the back of stitches and it too requires altering some parts of pattern knitting.I've never seen anyone crochet holding the yarn in the right hand. Crocheters have a step-up when they learn Continental knitting because they are used to guiding the yarn through the left index finger and know how to manage yarn tension.Knitting and crocheting on one garment is not a new thing although it may be a new thing for those who have not been using those skill for a long time. Crochet enhances knitting and can even be a lifesaver for projects gone wrong. I would encourage every knitter to learn to crochet, it is such a handy skill, especially now when crochet has come out of the closet and patterns can be found for more than toilet roll covers and dishcloths. Some of the new techniques are truly awesome. Go to http://www.garnstudio.com for some really up to date, stylish crochet patterns.

          1. JeanM | | #8

            I'm confused here.  Left-handed crocheters, which I am, hold their yarn in their right hands.  The stitches are worked left to right.  For either method of knitting, for right-handed knitters,  aren't the stitches worked right to left?  That was my point about being a right-hand knitter.  When doing the crochet stitches, work proceeds left to right; when doing the knitting stitches, how would the stitches be worked left to right?  Enlighten me, please.  :)

            Edited to add:  I went back to the site and this time read the last paragraph where she explains how it's done!  The cable is done first; then the crochet stitches are added, working sideways.  When in doubt, always read the directions.



            Edited 1/10/2009 11:08 pm by JeanM

          2. starzoe | | #9

            You are the first person I have met who crochets holding yarn in the right hand....work is normally moved from the right to the left but I don't know how that is managed with the hook in the left hand. Crab crochet (a finishing detail) is worked from the left to right, yarn in left hand, hook in the right. For right-handed knitters, in either style, stitches move from the left needle to the right needle. Experienced knitters also teach themselves to "knit backwards" from right needle to left needle. It comes in handy when making bobbles, entrelac, etc.Are you lefthanded in day-to-day living?I'll go back to my posting and see if I got it wrong there!

            Edited 1/11/2009 12:42 pm ET by starzoe

          3. JeanM | | #12

            Am I righthanded or lefthanded?   I would have to say lefthanded.  That is my dominate hand.  However, I do quite a few things with my right hand.   It doesn't seem to matter which hand the person used who was teaching me a skill.  They tell me a swing a bat or a golf club (on the rare occasions that I do) righthanded.  To me I considerate it to be lefthanded because my left arm is doing all the work, and the right arm is just following along----until the follow through, then the right arm takes over.  (No wonder my husband says  that I'm weird).

            I keep this magnet on my refridgerator:  "If the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body,  only lefties are in their right mind." :)

          4. User avater
            rodezzy2 | | #10


          5. Palady | | #11

            I can appreciate your doing crochet "left handed", i.e. holding the hook in your left hand  and the yarn in your right.  One of my granddaughters is left handed and is tyring to learn crochet.  Because we live states apart, and joint custody of her parents, the time lapse between when we can get  togehter comes into play.

            She's tried to go the route of hook right - yarn left, but the doing just escapes her.   Even though we've tied the mirror technique.   So my choice has been to get myself to crochet "left handed."   What spurred me to this doing, is a recent AARP, and a Senior Beacon (a NH monthly newpsper) article.   It addressed the suggestions of older folks trying to do things, especially ADL's, with their less dominate.  The effort has been shown to demonstrate different positive brain waves on special MRI systems.

            ADL's is an acronym for Activities of Daily Living.  Brushing teeth.  Combing hair.  Eating.  Oh, it also mentioned reading aloud rather than silently.

            You were gracious to add your edit.  There are a great number who would likely miss rereading the page.


          6. JeanM | | #13

            Luckily I don't have a problem in reading crochet instructions and reversing the words "right" for "left" and "left" for "right".   Many beginning crochet books show photos of the steps for both righties and lefties.  I have shown a few how to crochet and sit facing them rather than next to them which helps a great deal.  Teaching long distance as you are is not easy.  Kudos to you to be the one to switch in order to teach her.  I cannot, for the life of me, hold a crochet hook in my right hand.

            It is a good idea for people of all ages to be able to do daily activities with their non-dominate hand, "just in case".  I can comb my hair or brush my teeth with my right hand, not very well, but I can.  Eating with the right hand is something I would have to practice.

            There is something which people do with either hand and that is clipping their fingernails or applying fingernail polish which requires dexterity.



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